The science contained in a glass with water and salt at the ion level



Greetings reader friend back with more science, for this occasion after a simple experiment as simple as taking half a glass of water and adding a tablespoon of salt, apart from becoming water with salt, something very unique happens as I always say it happens when it mixes, but my research case is physical rather than chemical at the level of ions, because it is good to know how ions are present in our daily lives and we do not have information on the case. Well, dear readers, now, about ions, it should be known that they are made up of charged particles, as well as electrically charged atoms, the singularity of the case of the ion is that it is not particularly electrically neutral.


Doing the experiment mixing water with salt, where the sodium chloride of the salt behaves in the way that it dissociates into two ions: the sodium cation and the chloride anion, they are fixed in just a glass of water with salt there is this kind of physical and chemical phenomenon. All of this, dear reader, we must know at the moment that an atom loses or gains electrons, it originates as an ion, during this process it has the quality that it carries a net electric charge, which is why it is very unique.

Apart from the ions there are also other level type elements, such as the Anion has a negative electrical charge, which can have one or more elemental charges, but its own characteristic is that, at the level of elemental charges of the electron , for the second case we have the Cation has a positive electric charge, what differentiates it from the Anion is the elementary charges of the proton.


We have a representation of anions where a molecule that has gained electrons, my friends can also occur in an acid that has lost protons.


We have some representations of simple cations, but there are more varieties. When an oxidation state phenomenon occurs, it is evident that a neutral atom loses one or more electrons from its original supply, because thanks to this, ionization can be achieved, as mentioned above.

At the level of chemistry when the oxidation state occurs, we have, it allows us to know the degree of oxidation of an atom that is part of a compound or another, that is why I said at the level of chemistry by changes form another chemical component , since both for molecules and atoms the following singularity must be fulfilled through the ionic bond, which will allow us to happen that in an atom, it can develop the action of donating electrons to another species, which at Be careful with these friendly readers when it is evident that opposite charges attract each other, the ionic bond is important and knowing of its existence.


In the same vein, we also have a nonpolar covalent bond, both atoms share the pair of electrons, which can comply with the octet rule, being clear about the following physical phenomenon of electronegativity, thanks to which the power of an atom attracts electrons to itself, I repeat it is good to know all these, since the electrical charge they can acquire when participating in a chemical reaction such as: Metals, Non-metals, Noble Gases. It also serves as a difference between an atom and an ion at this atomic level, we have to remember how simple an atom is a physical system formed by several linked particles, which, in turn, is caused by dynamic chromium-like electromagnetic fields, for this characteristic of being very dense.


At the level of biology and medicine, ions have their importance, I already told him because we as human beings, our body exists, there is the presence of normal substances in the form of ions such as: sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, bicarbonate, and They are part of our anatomy in the form of electrolytes. In the world of technology, where there are engines with this type of technology, the example of this is the ion engine, this is used for space propulsion, thanks to the fact that it uses an ion beam, where molecules play a very important role. or atoms with electrical charge (ionized).


This is a representation of how the ion exit velocity can be measured in the propulsion case.

All images and gif were edited by my Samsung A23 phone

Bibliographical References

Physical Chemistry VOL. 2 for Gordon M. Barrow, 2022.

General Physics,2003.

Plasmas everywhere by Adolfo Y. Hesiquio Ben-Tez Navarro, Silvia Bravo, 2003.



You can play a lot with water and salt! Specially when you add a living cell!


Greetings of course if it is important, because it serves as the basis for prokaryotic cells such as eukaryotes and can be divided into many subtopics that can include the study of cellular metabolism, as well as another very unique fact is the case of differentiating cells from non-living chemical systems are at the level of Nutrition, transformation of matter, release energy and eliminate waste products.


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