Organography and Plant Histology of Codiaeum variegatum (Euphorbiaceae)


Dear readers, in this issue I will share botanical content related to the organographic and histological characteristics and phytopharmacological properties of the plant species Codiaeum variegatum (EUPHORBIACEAE), with the firm purpose of disseminating on the #HIVE platform, useful information on the biological and technical elements of this important plant resource.


The skill of observation in situ, is a key aspect when developing field works tending to generate morphological characterizations of botanical nature, skill that admits on one hand; to identify vegetal attributes matching them taxonomically with certain phenotypical patterns and at the same time to relate these characters from the ethnobotanical (relation man/plant in certain social realities) prescribing its potential use.

In the field work, about Polychromatic botany // Variation of leaf color of Codiaeum variegatum, whose content was published and socialized in the platform, besides determining the variable polychromatic behavior that this ornamental species shows, it was possible to identify at morphological level specimens with leaf laminae of coriaceous aspect (thick, hard and flexible consistency).

Consequently, starting from the potential use of the coriaceae films in traditional medicine, the objective of this post is to describe the pharmacological properties, organographic and histological characteristics of this important biological resource.

Fig. 2 Coriaceous-looking leaves from Codiaeum variegatum. Author: @lupafilotaxia.

Biological classification

Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Orde: Malpighiales
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Gender: Codiaeum
Species: variegatum

Common names

In Venezuela a Codiaeum variegatum, is commonly known as Croton, however, in the rest of the countries of Central and South America it is usually identified as Crotos or Croto variegado.

Phytopharmacological properties

According to information from Importance of Medicine [1], the laminas of coriaceous aspect conserve cytotoxic metabolites, which can be used as alternative substances with pharmacological purposes, against infections caused by microorganisms mainly by virus, in the particular case of Codiaeum variegatum, its coriaceous laminas and the latex of stems have bioactive action of medicinal importance, among which we can mention:.

Fig. 3 Polychromatic coloring leaves of Codiaeum variegatum. Author: @lupafilotaxia.

A. Healing action: The secondary metabolites available in the coriaceous laminae of Codiaeum variegatum, from the naturist point of view have been used in the popular medicine as healing agents [1].

B. Antiviral activity: Vegetative latex extracts of Codiaeum variegatum, show a high antiviral potential, according to laboratory results obtained by [2].

C. Renal condition: The positive effect of vegetative latex of Codiaeum variegatum, on kidney problems associated with urinary retention has been reported [1].

Origin and distribution

Codiaeum variegatum, originates from the Asian continent exactly from the South region of India, of considerable tropical and subtropical distribution, with adaptive diversity preferably in open forests and herbaceous scrub.

Botanical description

Way of life

The croton, as it is distinguished in Venezuela, has a biotype of shrubby and perennial condition [4].


Specimens of Codiaeum variegatum, exhibit pivoting main root with thick lateral roots and rounded segments in the form of leaf nodes.


It has stems of woody consistency, whose succulent bark is characterized by containing latex.

Fig. 4 Apical segment of the stem of Codiaeum variegatum. Author: @lupafilotaxia.


The foliar laminae of Codiaeum variegatum, are of peciolated insertion, simple, of lanceolate morphology and coriaceous consistency of variable coloration particularly green, yellow, orange to intense red, whole edge, aristate apex, cuneiform base, pinnatinervia rib, alternate phyllotaxy.

Fig. 5 Red to purple leaves of Codiaeum variegatum. Author: @lupafilotaxia.


The flowers are of unisexual actinomorphic condition, with white male floral units and yellow female units with absence of petals and anthers with longitudinal dehiscence.


Codiaeum variegatum, has fruits with a drupe type capsule morphology and dehiscent when ripe.


It has thin seeds of hardened consistency and arranged in number of 3 in each carpel constituted.


Sexual reproduction

The croton Codiaeum variegatum, presents a sexual reproduction system mediated by unisexual flowers, frequently associated to the heterogeneous coloration that exhibits the foliar laminae in the reported varieties.

Asexual reproduction

Besides the sexual reproduction system, Codiaeum variegatum also presents propagation or vegetative regeneration, this asexual reproduction is widely used in the multiplication by cuttings (meristematic vegetative segments), whose vegetative units are vital within the extensive ornamental use assigned to this species.


The cotron in its adult phase registers between 1.5 and 3 meters of height, in addition it presents/displays a system accelerated arbustivo growth, that requires high demand luminance and hydric, in absence of these conditions it tends to decelerate its development eliminating the inferior foliar laminae [6].


Although Codiaeum variegatum, develops in various tropical and subtropical climates, its maximum vegetative and reproductive potential is expressed in predominantly equatorial climates, with climatic variations with temperatures between 18 and 24 °C, intense luminosity, relative humidity close to 80% and slightly acidic soils with pH values between 5.5 and 6.5 [6].

Histology and organography

Microscopic study

In order to extend the existing information, it was developed a histological study on the vegetative structures of Codiaeum variegatum, using the optical microscope for the morphological characterization at tissue level, it was executed in the Botany Laboratory of the UNESUR university institution located in the South of the Lake -Venezuela.


The vegetative material of Codiaeum variegatum, was collected from the ornamental spaces of the tourist club Tierra Amada Granja Club, located in Santa Bárbara de Zulia, biogeographic zone of the South of the Lake of Maracaibo - Venezuela.

Histological identification

The vegetative structures of Codiaeum variegatum, were placed in containers with water to guarantee the turgidity of the tissues, later they were transferred to the laboratory facilities of Botany of UNESUR.

Materials and reagents used

  • Vegetative structures of Codiaeum variegatum
  • Carrier sheets and coverslips
  • Botanical dissection team
  • Petri dishes
  • Optical microscope
  • Distilled water
  • Lugol
  • Safranin
  • Floroglucin

Tissue observation

The histological structures of Codiaeum variegatum, were observed using OPTIKA brand microscopes, for the identification of epidermal tissue, photosynthetic mesophilic, transverse, longitudinal and tangential cuts were made to the leaves (both sides), first proceeded to focus at 4x to locate tissues and then changed to 10x, for morphological characterization.

For the observation of xylem conduction and phloem tissues, cross sections to Codiaeum variegatum petioles were made.

Histological results

Epidermal characterization

The adaxial epidermis of Codiaeum variegatum, is considerably thickened, constituted by cutin and of brilliant aspect, in relation to the histological morphology, it possesses cells of rounded aspect with small intercellular spaces.

Fig. 6 On the right side, there is a detailed cross section of foliage of Codiaeum variegatum, on the left side there is a histological description. Author: @lupafilotaxia.

Stomatic characterization

According to the observations made, it was found amphistomatic disposition in the analyzed foliar segments, this indicates that the stomas are located in both faces of the foliar laminae of Codiaeum variegatum, in relation to the morphology of the stoma was determined of type anomocytic.

Fig. 7 On the right side, tangential cut of the leaf underside of Codiaeum variegatum, on the left side are shown anomocytic stomas. Author: @lupafilotaxia.

Parenchymal characterization

The foliar laminae of Codiaeum variegatum, are of coriaceous aspect with palisaded parenchymal cells in the form of small columns and spongy tissue of irregular morphology, with histological segments with variable changes of green, red and yellow coloration, response associated with a mechanism of photoprotection at the level of pigments.

Fig. 8 On the right side, the stoma is shown anomocytic., on the left side there is a tangential cut of the leaf underside of Codiaeum variegatum. Author: @lupafilotaxia.

Fig. 9 On the right side, the stoma is shown anomocytic., on the left side there is a tangential cut of the leaf underside of Codiaeum variegatum. Author: @lupafilotaxia.

Xylematic and phloematic characterization

The petioles of Codiaeum variegatum, present closed vascular beams of bicolateral aspect forming rings around the medulla, the phloem is observed arranged in a compact way with continuous layers on the xylem.

Fig. 10 On the right side, there is a detailed cross section of the Codiaeum variegatum, on the left side there is a histological description. Author: @lupafilotaxia.


  • According to the analysis of each morphological character determined by means of the observation in situ, the information socialized in the present post, highlights the histological and organographic characterization that shows the ornamental species Codiaeum variegatum, among which they stand out; histological segments with variable changes of green, red and yellow coloration essentially in the parenchymal tissue, besides the external attributes used for the botanical description of this attractive ornamental phytorecourse, without avoiding, the emphasis made on the pharmacological properties reported in Codiaeumvariegatum, mainly those related to the antiviral medicinal effect, induced by the metabolic substances contained in its coriaceous laminae and vegetative latex.


[1] Barrera C. Importancia medicinal del género Croton (euphorbiaceae). 2016 Article: Online access

[2] Tabares P., Avila L., Torres F., Cardona D., Quiñones W., Forero J., Rugeles M., and Echeverri F. Metabolitos secundarios y efectos antivirales de algunas especies de la familia Euphorbiaceae. Scientia et Technica Año XIII. 2007; 33: 107 - 110. Article: Online access

[3] Hemantkumar A. Foliar Epidermal Studies of Plants in Euphorbiaceae. Taiwania. 2014; 59; 1: 59-70. Article: Online access

[4] Hokche, P.E. Berry & O. Huber. Nuevo Catálogo de la Flora Vascular de Venezuela: Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela, Caracas. 2008. Article: Online access

[5] Raju V., and Rao P. Variation in the structure and development of foliar stomata in the Euphorbiaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 1977; 75: 69 - 97. Article: Online access

[6] Supaporn S., Supachitra C., and Preeda B. Adaptation of Croton ‘Baisom’ [Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Bl. ‘Baisom’] Leaves to Different Light Intensities. J. Sci. Res. Chula. Univ. 2000; 25; 2: 257 - 269. Article: Online access

[7] Wilson S., Neubert L., and Huffman J. The chemistry of the Euphorbiaceae. A new diterpene from Croton californicus. J Am Chem Soc. 1976; 98; 12: 69-74. Article: Online access


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En el patio de mi casa tengo una planta que mide más de 2 metros, debajo de un árbol de aguacate y compitiendo al lado de una planta de café por altura. Mi abuela la sembró y la nombraba como croto. Interesante estimado @lupafilotaxia, saludos.
