The Swarm Studying The Weaking Magnetic Field


A strange anomaly got created of the Atlantic. And it is not disappearing.


Image by Sunny Sunflower from Pixabay

The Earth's magnetic field is practically our only line of defense against aggressive forms of cosmic radiation we have. Thus, we should be very concerned about how it works and how well it works. And it seems that something strange is happening with the Earth's magnetic field right now.

The Earth's magnetic field is weakening in the area between Africa and South America. Geophysicists do not like it and call it the South Atlantic Anomaly. We already know that it gives trouble to the satellites in orbit. And lately, it seems that the second center of this anomaly appeared. Southwest from the southern tip of Africa. It almost looks like someone is tearing the anomaly in two.

Nonetheless, the European Space Agency (ESA) has the Swarm satellites in orbit and they can study the anomaly in detail. Many people realize that the Earth's magnetic field is important for life on Earth. Thus, it is no surprise that some have come to the conclusion that magnetic mystery is a sign of the Earth's magnetic field poles switch. And this could bring a lot of trouble. The Earth's magnetic field does sometimes do it but nothing indicates that it should be happening right now. Apart from the anomaly.

From what we know, the Earth's magnetic field is created thanks to the ocean of liquid metals that are hidden under our feet in the core of the Earth. But we also know that is certainly isn't unchanging. In the past 200 years, it weakened by about 9 percent. When it comes to the anomaly in the South Atlantic the magnetic field weakened from roughly 24 thousand nanoteslas to about 22 thousand nanoteslas. At the same time, the anomaly is increasing in size and moving to the west at a speed of about 20 kilometers per year.

The Swarm satellites can very precisely detect and measure different magnetic signals that together create the Earth's magnetic field. As Jürgen Matzka from GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam says - lately in recent years an incredible magnetic situation is appearing. Matzka wants to understand what processes in the Earth's core are affecting the anomaly in the South Atlantic.

As it seems, there are no reasons to be too concerned. On the other hand, the satellites and spaceships that fly over the anomaly can expect a bit more technical problems caused by cosmic rays. Because of the weakened magnetic field, the cosmic rays can reach up to the lower orbit. But we still need to figure out the mystery of the anomaly.


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