When the kidney fails: what could be the way forward



Kidney is a very major organ found in the body. Its role and function makes it more unique among every other organ. It performs it work through making sure that the desired nutrient needed by the body is being absorbed while eliminating the unwanted ones.

If probably the kidney does all this functions in the body. My question now is... What will actually be the outcome if there is a problem or malfunction of this kidney.

In the world today, it is as if the rate by which people come down with kidney disease is becoming questionable.
I was personally curious about it today that I have to go straight, to check out what could actually cause this problem.

Well, it is not like there is something so strange that affects our kidney. From the research I made, I was able to understand that infection, heart disease,blood or fluid loss, aspirin and ibuprofen are the major things that could result to us having kidney problem.

Today I am going to be emphasizing on the management of kidney failure using dialysis machine. How this machine works and how it can be used in tackling kidney problems.

This topic may be a little confusing, but believe me, after reading this article you will be able to understand how this machine could be useful to human health.

Let us begin

Dialysis is a process of removing water, toxins and solutes from an individual blood whose kidney can no longer perform it's function by excreting waste product from the persons kidney and reabsorbing back the needful substances for the body to make use of.

Remember, dialysis can only be done using a machine called dialysis machine. This machine is built in a such a that it can help the body in removing and reabsorbing the necessary nutrient needed for the body by draining and returning back blood into the body.

This Machine is also referred to as artificial kidney. Due to its similar way of performing the work of the main kidney.

Dialysis is of two types. The hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Peritoneal dialysis is another type of dialysis that has its unique functions. This type of dialysis is also grouped into two, which are Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) and Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD).

I would like us to start with hemodialysis dialysis and its way of functioning and finally talk about peritoneal dialysis.

We move💪

Kidney disease is a very dangerous disease. This disease has killed so many people and still taking the lifes of our loved ones. Some people may be lucky to discover there problem on time and help themselves by taken the proper medications needed for their survival while some are unfortunate to discover this disease on time.

Kidney disease is grouped into different stages. Ranging from stage 1 to stage 5.
The increase of stages is tantamount to the severity of the disease.


This a stage where protein is probably discovered in the urine. This stage is termed early stage as it can be reversible if proper measures are being taken. In this stage there is kidney damage but the glomerular filtration rate is still above 90. This in other words means the kidney is still very much strong enough to handle cases of filtration without any serious effect.

stage 2:

In stage two, the glomerular filtration rate has gone down between the range of 60 to 89. This stage only tell you that your kidney needs to be taken good care of. As the GFR is going down on daily bases, the more your issue is becoming severe.

stage 3:

At this point, the patient is gradually going down. Having from higher to little rate of filtration. The kidney is no longer performing better unlike the stage 1. At this point much particles are found in urine due to the decrease rate at which the kidney functions.

stage 4:

In stage four, there is severe reduction of glomerular filtration rate. The range now falls down between the range of 15 to 29. This period, you are about entering the detrimental stage where you don't have any other option but to be helped through the use of dialysis machine to help your kidney functionality.

stage 5:

This stage is termed "no going back stage"😔. This stage you have to make use of the dialysis machine as your kidney filtration rate has gone down below 15.
The rate of survival here is now being determined by the help of the machine. Remember, at this stage it is termed kidney failure as your kidney can no longer do it work but only the use of a machine or through kidney transplant.

Coming to hemodialysis which we mentioned earlier on what we will first talk about. I just feel the need to explain to you the stages of kidney disease before we can start explaining the hemodialysis method. This will enable you to understand the stage at which a patient needs the machine for his or her survival.


Kidney is meant to clean your blood and remove any extra fluid in form of urine. It does this through the help of glomerulus and Bowman capsule. Aside filtration kidney is also responsible for the secretion of some setting hormones which the body makes use of. Example of this hormone is renin. Kidney starts having issues anytime it fails to do the reabsorption work designed for it to do. When this occur, it simply means the filtration apparatus are no longer in good condition to do it work.
The application of the dialysis machine comes into play anytime the person is in stage 5 of kidney disease. Like I said earlier, the stage 5 is whenever the glomerular filtration rate is below 15%. At this stage the dialysis takes place.

Hemodialysis is the use of artificial kidney called hemodialyzer to remove waste and other chemicals out from the kidney. This method is done by transporting your blood into the machine. This machine helps to filter the kidney by removing every waste product that are not needed by the body, after which the blood will be transported back into the persons body.

This is usually done with the help of a doctor who accesses your blood vessels. It is usually a minor surgery in your arm or leg to create an access to your vessels.

The access created are of two types- the fistula and the graft.

The fistula is the process of joining the artery and vein under a skin to make out a bigger blood vessels while graft is done by joining an artery with vein through the help of small soft tube made with synthetic material.

The fixing of this fistula or graft should at least last for six months before dialysis can commence. Remember there is another type of access called a catheter. This one is only done whenever the dialysis is meant to last for a very little period of time.

After fixing the fistula or graft which must have lasted for six months. The person is now ready for the dialysis.

Two needles are always used anytime you go for dialysis. These needles are being connected to the plastic tubes. The function of the first tube is to carry the blood straight to the dialyzer where it is being cleaned while the other tube helps to return the blood back to your body.

Blood cell and protein are difficult to pass through due to its size, but the smaller particles like creatinine and urea are removed without any difficultly.

Peritoneal dialysis

In this particular dialysis your blood is no longer being sent out to the machine.

At this time, the blood is cleaned inside your body. This is done by placing a tube known as catheter inside your abdomen. During the process of this treatment, dialysate is being infused inside the person peritoneal cavity. The waste product is being drawn out in the dialysate where they can now be removed from the body.
Peritoneal dialysis is being divided into different types but have two major types. These are Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) and Automated Peritoneal Dialysis (APD).

continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

This is the only dialysis done without machine. This dialysis is usually done like 4 to 5 times a day. What you need to do is to put a bag of dialysate into your abdomen with the help of the catheter. The dialysate is expected to stay for 4 to 5 hours before it is being transported back into the bag before discarding it.
The only benefit attached to this method is that, you can go about your daily activities while undergoing dialysis.

Automated peritoneal dialysis

This is done with the help of a machine called cycler. This method is usually done at night to enable you to sleep while undergoing the dialysis.

At this point let us take a good look on how this machine works.

How does a dialysis machine work?

This machine works by mixing and monitoring the dialysate. Dialysate is a fluid found in the dialysis machine that helps to remove unwanted waste from the blood. Apart from that, it also helps to maintain the electrolyte and minerals in it's proper range. Anytime there is an issue the machine rings out a bell which is an indication that there is problem somewhere that needs attention.

In front of the dialysis machine is a jug like substance situated on top of the machine. The work of this jug is to hold the liquid use in mixing the dialysate. This liquid is made up of acidified solution, bicarbonate and purified water.
The acidified solution is a composition of electrolyte and minerals.

While dialysing, the blood and the dialysate flow through the dialyzer but never mixes together. The unwanted waste is being flushed down into the dialysate which is now removed through the drain.

Blood are simply filtered using the dialysate which after the filtered blood is being send back into the body for proper circulation.

During dialysis, an anti coagulant known as heparin is used. This anti coagulant help to prevent blood in the sucking tube from clotting. This is done using heparin pump. This pump is designed to release a specific amount of anti coagulant into circulation to prevent blood from clotting.

The only issue that might occur is the entrance of air into the blood tubing. This is why the blood tubing is designed in such a way that air are being trapped to avoid any related complications.

At this point let us also look at the history behind the invention of this dialysis machine

In the year 1913, John Abel and Leonard rowntree was the first to develop dialysis machine. This machine was successfully tested using an animal.
After this invention, dutch doctor Willem Johan kolff constructed the first working dialyzer in 1943 during Nazi occupation of the Netherlands.

Kolff used this machine in treating 16 persons which ended up being unsuccessful.

Then in 1945, an old woman which happens to be 67 years old regained herself after undergoing hemodialysis with a dialyzer. This woman lived for 7 years before she later died of unrelated ailment. She was termed the first patient that was successfully treated with hemodialysis machine.
Then more inventions arises.

in conclusion

Dialysis machine has come to stay. This machine has actually saved the soul of many persons. I wonder what would have happen if this machine was not invented.

Today, many people can now comfortably go to hospital for dialysis. The only problem that is still left is how we can minimize the rate at which kidney fails on daily bases.

It is obvious that dialysis does not cure kidney failure but at least it is a way of sustaining the patient for a little time before kidney transplantation is being done.

Even at that, kidney transplanted patient needs drugs also to survive, this is to prevent the person immune system from reacting to itself.

I will stop here, till we meet again
who needs dialysis
how does a dialysis machine work
history of dialysis
causes of kidney failure


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Renal dialysis saved many people's life who were at risk of death. Lifestyle will be reduced and patients will not be comfortable like normal people, yet it's the only way to survive though.

Peoples lifestyle nowadays are one of the major causes for renal disease which may lead to renal failure on the long run yet people don't pay enough attention to what they are doing or what they are consuming on daily basis and with time it might be too late to change.


I had already read quite a bit about kidney issues here on chain, but I think it is the first time I read something related to the dialysis machine itself and how it functions. This was nicely and very clearly written.

