RE: Working with corals🧠 / Trabajando con corales🐟🐠🦐


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Interesting read and awesome images. I understand that you were trying to show the diversity of the corals by putting that many images but I feel this post would have been better with fewer images. This is just my opinion.

Having said that, I know that there are two body forms in the Cnidarians, the medusa and the polyp. I just want to ask if there are corals with the medusa body form as opposed to the polyp.

Also, I think the biggest threat to coral reefs lies in the acidification of our oceans. The acidified water reacts with the calcium carbonate shell to give off carbon dioxide to the environment resulting in the bleaching of the reef.


Of course my friend, that's what the recommendations and opinions are about! And I will always be open to things that improve the quality and understanding of the reader! Read a bit about how warming is the main cause because the temperature problem is that it stresses the coral in many ways! It would be interesting to go deeper into acidification! Maybe there is because corals also have soft bodies without having calcium carbonate in their structure! Almost certainly yes! I have to search for the species! And well thanks for reading and commenting my friend! I was receiving corals in the store where I work and it occurred to me to post about them xD HUGS !!
