Some unknown facts about television




Television is an unforgettable invention of John Logie Baird. Some call it a magic box, while others call it a waste of time. No matter what you say, it goes without saying that television has played an important role in advancing the twentieth century. Today, therefore, some interesting information was said about television

1) The first television program in the United States since its inception was ‘The Television Ghost’, which aired in 1931. In this show, the actors wrapped themselves in white clothes and pretended to be dead and told the story of their murder to the audience.

2) The British "Top Gear" program was viewed 350 million times a week in 180 countries around the world. This is the first on the list of most viewed events.

3) Four days after the death of US President John F. Kennedy in 1973, his funeral was broadcast on television channels with free coverage.

4) Do you know the funny thing? Baird, the inventor of television, would not let his own children watch television.

5) In 1978, a man attacked a television station during the serial "Doctor Who". Trying to catch him doesn't help. With cunning he escapes.

6) Product placement on Norwegian television channels is a criminal offense.

7) In 1974, a television presenter in the United States committed suicide by announcing his premature appearance in front of an audience.
