Women Hate STEM?|Psychology review


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Hello my STEM friends, today I decided to take a chance with a topic I have found super interesting and I need you to help me see the sense in it.

Yeah, I need you

I came across a post where Jordan Peterson explained how males and females are different and can be narrowed down to the People-Thing paradigm.

In case you don’t know what the People-Thing paradigm is, it is simply put this way, Men are interested in things and women are interested in people.

This is something 3 years ago I had never thought about. I was hooked up on the equality front and I always felt that men and women were the same. Which is weird given that I did I passed my anatomy very well and had an A in Endocrine physiology.

But men and women are different, aren’t they?
I’m in PH

One argument

I read a Vox post about a google engineer who pointed out this difference in a memo and he lost his job

The post was titled We’ve studied gender and STEM for 25 years. The science doesn’t support the Google memo.
These are some issues that males simply do not have to face. The “anxiety gap” exists for a reason, and it is not about biology.
By Rosalind C. Barnett and Caryl Rivers

In the post the made the google engineer referred to a book titled the " essential difference”
The vox writers claimed that the issue was mainly due to the study referenced in the book being an outlier study.

I saw another post by the Harvard Business school where they explained that

Women make up 20% of engineering graduates, but it’s been estimated that nearly 40% of women who earn engineering degrees either quit or never enter the profession. Some elementary and high school reforms are working, but those at the college level are not.

After the study, they read and analyzed the stories in these diaries and deduced that the difference was more likely because women were treated differently in their workplaces.

I have seen this sentiment raised many times that the reason women do not do well in male-dominated spheres is the fact that they are not at ease simply because of discrimination.

I have an example in the chess community but I will save that for another post.

Another argument
The other side of the coin is not an argument so much as it was an observation by a frontier post that tried to examine why women were not participating as much as men in stem fields and why they would tend to drop out.>>>

In this post, they explain studies that date as far back as 1959. In the meta-analysis however they used research done from 1964 to try and understand these differences.

To end this video I will leave you with an interesting video that was noted to be repeated twice where some scientists examined the response of male and female monkeys to some toys that were “male and female tailored”

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This is a really interesting topic, especially in a world where we have this search for equality. The detail that I see is that this search is not really widespread. As you say, progress may have been made in this regard in primary schools, but at the university level and even more so at the professional level, this gap is present.

This is a really interesting topic, especially in a world where we have this search for equality. The detail that I see is that this search is not really widespread. As you say, progress may have been made in this regard in primary schools, but at the university level and even more so at the professional level, this gap is present.


But it is also possible that the reason why this inequality exists is because of biological differences and not just because of discrimination.


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