Anxiety and Toys (A Twitter Reaction Post)


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Depression vector created by pch.vector - and

bought this anti anxiety toy for my son. He loves playing with it and feels relaxed with it. Such a blessing 🙏🤗

— April 🌸 (@AprilBeaI16) September 12, 2022

Here is a very funny video I found online:

This is what anxiety looks like

— Wtf Moments (@Wtfmomentes) September 11, 2022

In the last post, we talked a lot about relationships with people with anxiety. separating the person who has anxiety from the condition was looked at as a very important aspect in preparing one's mind to deal with this condition.

Taking your mind away from thoughts of manipulation is also important. If you look at people, in general, this way it is sure to backfire. YOU CAN NOT CHEAT AN HONEST MAN.

Rash comments about your loved one in general do not help them get better and finding a loving way that works specifically for your loved one is very important.

Your anxiety won’t ruin your relationship with the right person. remember that.

— feelings (@sadtruthwords) September 12, 2022

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Depression vector created by pch.vector - and

In this post, we are going to be looking at these anxiety toys and how effective they are. Are they worth your money? Are they effective as a method of treatment?

This is the Medic Vibes blog, where we help each other stay current on issues related to mental health. Good day, and I hope you are having a good one. A doctor and an illustrator, @ebingo is the person hosting this blog. Since we currently only have one writer and illustrator, we have not yet switched to our main blog. For the time being, we blog for the STEMsocial community. We discussed depression last month, and this month is all about anxiety. Just like this month, we began last month with a study from Nigeria that revealed a 50% prevalence of anxiety in a youth camp. We began examining Twitter posts after the study last month, and we are currently doing the same.

Anxiety disorders are mental health conditions that cause a person to feel more fear and worry than usual. The younger generation is more likely to be impacted by this condition, though the majority of people are susceptible.

For instance, a study we examined found that almost 50% of campers in Northwest Nigeria were anxious. However, only about 3% of people worldwide and 1% of all Nigerians as a whole experience anxiety.

At some point in their lives, everyone has felt their heart racing before a significant test, a presentation, or a performance. But what if I told you that feeling happens to some people every day? People with social anxiety disorder are concerned about being judged by others. These are individuals they might encounter on a daily basis, such as a boss or a coworker. Thus, avoidance will be practiced by individuals. In our previous post, we looked at how social anxiety in people can show up in phone calls.

In addition to the physical symptoms mentioned above, psychological symptoms like insomnia, flashbacks, nightmares, and others may also be present.

In anxious people, physical, psychological, and reactionary symptoms are all present.

Some of the physical symptoms include stomach pain, chest pain, weakness, rapid breathing, and a rapid heartbeat. Usually, the sympathetic firing of the autonomic system is cause of these.

Insomnia, nightmares, and flashbacks are among the psychological symptoms of anxiety.

Avoidance is one of the reactionary symptoms that can be seen in both social anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The cause of the anxiety, which lasts for longer than six months, varies from subject to subject, according to the diagnostic and statistical manual. Keeping it under control can be difficult. Physical symptoms like pain, fatigue, jitteriness, and sleep issues, one of which is always present, are frequently experienced by children who have anxiety.

Due to the connection between depression and anxiety and the fact that depression raises a person's risk of suicide, it is crucial to keep an eye out for any changes as soon as they manifest.

Anxiety and Toys

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Home illustrations by Storyset
In June of this Forbs put out an updated publication about anxiety toys and how to select one. In this publication were several links to amazon from top to bottom as Buhai (Nigeria’s president) said in his acceptance speech.

What are these toys and how do they work? In this post, we will be trying to find answers to these simple questions.

It is sold as was sold as a means to manage attention in people with anxiety and ADHD. But does it work?

According to Medical News Today, it may help when there is ongoing worry or anxiety. But Pub Med feels there needs to be more evidence after further research work on their effectiveness.

The benefits that have been found about these toys are that they can make for better fine motor skills in people.

In an experiment involving 81 participants, people were separated into an experimental group and a control group. After the test, they noticed that those who used these fidgeting toys that spin, were able to draw spirals better than those that didn’t after the experiment. The experiment was able to show better fine motto skills not only the fidgeting toy’s potential in reducing anxiety.

Fidgeting or being jittery is a normal response to anxiety.

In some conditions this fidgeting toy has proven to be more effective, take for example Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or ODC, these patients find that playing with their hair or fingers (fidgeting) can help at times with the obsessive component of their condition and reduce the anxiety they sometimes experience.


Stress management is very key. Taking time off to take care of yourself is very important especially if you are in a very stressful line of work. Some people try out meditation and deep breathing. Check out @---- post for more of these techniques. In addition, as mentioned countless times, exercise and diet are big game changers for people dealing with anxiety. In the post by Medical News Today, they highlighted how exposure therapy was particularly helpful for the management of anxiety. It is an effective method of managing some types of anxiety like OCD.

Hive stories

@artemisart brings beautiful paintings from the mind. Plugging in some music and taking the mind off some inconveniences, brings the sun, the moon, and the stars in a beautiful artistic form. This is the first time I’m seeing @artemisart’s and I am impressed by the expressions that one can find as they deal with their anxiety.

See the art process here


  • What did you learn about relationships and anxiety?
  • What are your thought on building a relationship with a person with anxiety?


Being in a relationship is significantly hard as it is. Being in a relationship with a person with anxiety proves to be even harder. Knowing the right things to say and the right things to do can be very important to keep the relationship alive.

I hope that you learned a lot from this post.

To book me for illustration gigs click Here



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In an experiment involving 87 participants, people were separated into an experimental group and a control group. After the test, they noticed that those who used these fidgeting toys that spin, were able to draw spirals better than those that didn’t after the experiment. The experiment was able to show better fine motto skills not only the fidgeting toy’s potential in reducing anxiety.

I assume this has only been tested on children. Is it correct? I am wondering how this could work well on adults who mostly have no interaction with toys. Thanks in advance for clarifying my doubts.

