RE: Coronavirus


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The only way to make real difference for the better would be if all humanity changes its way of life, that is, begin to prioritize long term benefits instead of instant satisfaction. This primarily applies to those who have the power to decide on activities that affect millions of people; instead for every good idea that could help heal the planet (and make for humans better place to live) to say "it doesn.t pay off" they should embrace and fund projects in favor of renewable energy and recycling...
From one side, COVID19 has brought us temporary decrease in air pollution bur form the other, did you see what is happening with endless wasted masks, gloves and other protective accessories that millions of people are throwing away around the world? Just as we timidly begun with banishing one time use plastics, we have new issue but no one is talking about it.
Every crisis is opportunity for a change, for better or worse. I.m afraid that we didn.t learn much form this one...


Thank you for sharing your viewpoint and support. I have to agree with your assessment. Hopefully, the observations I've posted becomes ingrained in at least some people. In this manner, the concept of human pollution of the Earth becomes a more significant issue for all people.

Indeed I saw the change in waste distribution from the use of masks. It seems as though people aren't learning and, instead, continue to irresponsibly contribute to our waste pile-ups. I'm not sure why people do the things they do. In this case, it's just a lack of concern on their part. I'm certain that if people started throwing trash in someone's own home they would pay attention.

Pollution, waste management, and health concerns for this pandemic continue to evolve. Let's hope we collectively learn and work to improve society as we progress forward.
