Nursing as a rewarding profession


Tending to sick patients is a daunting task, but someone has to do it. It takes a special person to be able to handle the stress and the emotional toll that comes with the job. But, it is a rewarding job, to be able to help someone in their time of need.

The nurse enters the room and immediately the patient knows that she is there to help. The patient is grateful, and the nurse goes about her business, checking the IV, taking the patient's temperature, and asking how she is feeling today. The patient responds truthfully, whether she is feeling a bit worse today or not. The nurse nods in understanding and promises to get the doctor.
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The nurse often smiles as she walks into the room. It was her favorite part of the job, getting to know her patients. She introduces herself and asked the next woman in the bed how she was feeling. The woman, who could be quite ill, says that she was getting worse. The nurse told her that she would do everything she could to make her comfortable.

Those who have always been good at tending to sick patients have a gift. Some have a natural ability to make them feel comfortable and at ease, even when they were in the most pain. They are always gentle and compassionate, and their patients might often tell them how they made a difference in their lives.

But tending to sick patients can be a difficult and emotionally taxing job. This is why it's important they remember to take care of themselves, both physically and emotionally, while caring for others.

They can also find themselves overwhelmed even when they're not feeling emotionally drained, nurses will still experience fatigue and burnout from time to time. And even if they are not mentally strong, they must take care of their mental health as well by staying engaged in healthy activities like exercising and socializing with friends.

The work isn't always just a job. After all, while many people have the opportunity to leave nursing jobs after years of working, many stay on the job because they find it rewarding. Nursing is an in-demand career with a high salary, and many people find nursing to be a fulfilling profession that can help them make a difference in the lives of others.

There is a lot of value in being a nurse - from the satisfaction that nurses get from knowing that they have helped someone or have helped a healthy person regain their life, to save lives.

Nurses are selfless and compassionate people who take care of the sick, patients, and the general public. While working in this field can be rewarding on many levels, it can also be very challenging at times. Nurses work long hours, often with little to no rest, and are susceptible to the same hazards as the patients they serve. They may find themselves in precarious situations without proper precautions and prevention. measures.

In a nutshell, anyone who is passionate about being a nurse should remember that nursing is a rewarding, noble profession with a lot of potential for many rewards, but it is also challenging and has great risks attached to it.


The work of nurses is of high impact in the health sector, they not only focus on patient care but also keep in order everything that is medicines, they are one of the bases in any hospital center.
My respects to this profession.


They deserve all our respect. They are doing more than enough. Thanks for commenting.


Nursing is a completely humanitarian job, it takes a lot of dedication and hard work, those who practice this job role for money are always very harsh, rude and arrogant while those who practice for the joy of practicing, are usually seen as been calm, patient and loving to their patient.


Haha... The harsh part. I can totally relate.


I tell you from my own experience, that the nursing profession is made for the human being who was born with those skills to attend and help the patient, that person who has lost his health, and nurses are always there, offering their praiseworthy work of caring and administering a biopsychosocial treatment that the patient needs. My wife @wayuu-reg is a nurse and she is always skilled in helping her fellow man, without caring about a salary, she attends to neighbors or other people who request her free services.
Congratulations @atomz you have presented a good article.

Te digo por experiencia propia, que la profesión de enfermería está hecha para el ser humano que ha nacido con esas habilidades para atender y ayudar al paciente, a esa persona que ha perdido su salud, y las enfermeras siempre están ahí, ofreciendo su loable labor de cuidar y administrar un tratamiento biopsico social que el paciente necesita. Mi esposa @wayuu-reg es enfermera y siempre está hábida en ayudar a su prójimo, sin importarle un sueldo, atiende a los vecinos u otras personas que solicitan sus servicios gratuitos.
Felicitaciones @atomz has presentado un buen artículo.


This is an amazing comment. I love this. Thanks for supporting. And for sharing your personal experience and that of your lovely wife with me. May the Almighty bless her for all the undying love, care and attention that she give every person who needs her medically. Amen.
