Reflections on ecological fertilization

Dear readers, due to the inadequate management of agricultural soils due to the intensive use of substances that cause alterations in their biological activity, it has begun to implement fertilization alternatives that enhance agricultural production without generating an environmental disorder that negatively influences the biodiversity of agroecosystems. There is a great diversity of ecological fertilizers that can be used, among which are the biofertilizers so called because some microorganisms can be inoculated to the soil that develop certain essential functions such as, for example, nitrogen fixation, decomposition of organic matter, phosphorus solubilization among other potentialities.

Currently, with the paradigm of sustainable development, some companies have begun to make organic products based on bovine blood, which is obtained in slaughterhouses, in the same way solid worm compost also obtaining from this worm compost liquid substances rich in nutrients and microorganisms, as well as these there is a great diversity of organic products on the market that still do not significantly increase their demand as in the case of synthetics. These organic products have been progressively available in agricultural supplies stores, there are also artisanal alternatives that can be made within the farms with their endogenous resources and those found in the geographical area.

The endogenous resources found on farms or in the surrounding areas for the production of organic fertilizers are bovine manure, legume leaves, ash, whey, molasses, aquatic plants, slaughterhouse waste, forest soil, leaves in the process of decomposition among other elements that can provide nutritional and microbiological value to organic fertilizer. With these alternatives, new forms of fertilization are sought to nourish the soil in a sustainable way by providing nutrients, organic matter and microorganisms to improve agricultural activity and obtain a profitable and healthy production.

The elaboration of these ecological products intends to progressively reduce the use of synthetic substances and it would be ideal for the large companies in charge of the elaboration of these toxic substances to enter an ecological product line and begin to encourage the use of organic matter, to return to the soil biota the elements necessary for its development and the contribution of nutrients, through the elaboration of ecological products made with endogenous materials and in this way gradually decrease the use of agrochemicals, in the same way Sánchez, Ruiz and Ríos (2005), express that organic matter, is the main factor responsible for fertility and productivity, influences most of the biological, chemical and physical processes that govern the soil-plant system.

In this same order of ideas, one of the alternatives that has taken a lot of boom in recent years is the multiplication of beneficial microorganisms for the fertilization of the palm in a part of the southern area of Lake Maracaibo Venezuela, which can be applied in a solid way also providing organic matter, the solid product can also be obtained liquid by performing a leachate; in agrotechnics we have talked about this alternative where forest soil is used to collect native microorganisms, which is mixed with rice husk that serves as a culture medium and provides a good texture that facilitates aeration, molasses is also applied as an energy source for microorganisms to facilitate fermentation, whey or milk can be applied for the addition of lactic acid bacteria that favors fermentation and also provides moisture to the mixture, then all those materials are placed in a container and sealed tightly so that anaerobic fermentation occurs. This technique will be covered in more detail in future articles.

The technique of massification of beneficial microorganisms is an extremely important viable alternative to achieve an ecological agricultural development, since, it allows a low cost production, it is a microbial inoculant that reestablishes the microbiological balance of the soil, improving crop production and its protection; it also conserves natural resources, generating sustainable agriculture.

Final considerations
Dear readers, it is necessary the application of agroecological science as an alternative to change the paradigm model of conventional production to an ecologically balanced, as inhabitants of this great ecosystem called earth we must promote sustainable agriculture over time without affecting the environment and grow healthy food, strengthening agroecosystems.

Professionals in the agricultural area should propose real and adequate solutions to the needs of farmers, in order to promote the incorporation of safe ecological production methods and techniques capable of improving, balancing and strengthening the soil, focusing on the production of crops in an environmentally friendly way, obtaining healthy items for consumers.

Bibliographic references
  • Bolaños. B.M. and Rodriguez. A. E. 2008. "Integrated fertilization: chemistry. Organic and biofertilization in the development of chili pepper seedlings (Cayenne and Jalapeno)”. Oral presentation at the XIV Colombian Congress of Soil Science, held in Villavicencio. q. 89.

  • Chavarría, M; Uribe, L. (2003). Use of biofertilizers and biocontrollers in agriculture. In Organic fertilizers: principles, applications and impact on agriculture. San Jose, CR.Memory.

  • Sánchez, B;, Ruiz, M. y Ríos, M. (2005). Organic matter and soil biological activity in relation to altitude, in the Maracay River basin, Aragua state. Agronomy Trop. v.56 n.4

  • Soto, G. (2008). Organic fertilizers: definitions and processes. In Meléndez, G; Soto, G; Uribe, L. eds. Organic Fertilizers: principles, characteristics and impact on agriculture. Costa Rica, CATIE, UCR.


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Thanks for this great content. Indeed, organic manure brings healthy food products and preserves the soil more than the inorganic fertilisers. Here, we use mainly cow dungs and poultry waste products as organic manure. We also do compost manure.

However I will like to learn more about the multiplication of beneficial microorganisms for fertilisation in your subsequent posts. Thanks for the very educative content Sir


Hello dear @alidickson, I am glad that the content is educational for you, if you are making compost and fertilizers based on bovine manure, I congratulate you because you are taking advantage of local resources and recycling nutrients within the ecosystems. As for the massification of microorganisms it is also an excellent alternative and very easy to elaborate, I hope to be able to share it with you very soon.

So long, have a great week.


Thank you so much Sir. I look forwards to that!
