RE: Artrópodos bioluminiscentes de la familia Lampyridae y el género Aspisoma


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Your posts always floor me. I love your photos. I love your descriptions. When I was very young we used to love fireflies. We would catch them but were careful not to hurt them. The farmers in my community didn't mind them at all. I don't know if the information about larval diets was known back in the 50s, but farmers are pretty clever about these things. There is a kind of folklore that grows up around the allies and enemies of farmers. Fireflies were fun. Too bad their light burns bright and then goes out so quickly.

Thanks for another relaxing, interesting read.


Hi @agmoore! Actually many of the farmers do not value much the role of biological controllers, already when field inspections are done with a professional, this is the one who ends up promoting the importance of biological control organisms, this can happen when an engineer or expert in charge orders to release in the crops certain species to reduce the incidence of those that are harmful. All this I could appreciate in the cultivated fields of my country, when I gave talks to farmers about what they should do, they only wanted to cover everything with chemicals for ease, regardless of the contamination and the consequences for their own health.


I know this is true. Oftentimes immediate economic necessity persuades farmers to make the wrong choices. This hurts them and the environment in the long term.

I think my grandfather (the farmer) was a little different. He was very forward-thinking. He was very hard working and had great love for his land. Today his descendants (not me!) farm that same land. Five generations on the same farm. One of his granddaughters runs an organic cooperative. I like to think my grandfather would have listened to your very good, essential advice :)

Keep writing these wonderful, informative blogs.

