RE: What's Your Stance On Generated AI Artwork? Does It Have A Place on Hive?

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I love playing with AI generated art. So far I've generated over 900 images with Midjourney over the last month. I'll probably create a compilation of my favorite ones as some point but I wouldn't claim they were my art pieces even though I've spent more than an hour on some of them to make them look just how I wanted. Fine tuning the prompts and going through several variants and such.

I see no issues with AI generated art on Hive as long as people are open about what it is. If people start claiming they spent hours and days on a piece when in reality it's a 2 minute AI generated piece we have a problem. There's of course no way of knowing most of the time.


Interesting! prior to this, I only know fractals and it's nothing compared to AI artwork that I recently came across.

Also, I checked, there's already a community on this too AI & information something with decent following and posters. I definitely have the problem with the later where they claim they spend hours on it. After checking out some of them, I do notice the differences between traditional art vs AI art. It's like it has its own style and even with fine tuning, the oddities are still there. Maybe this type of art is inevitable and looks like there's market for that too.
