RE: From Faygo Soda Bottle to ➡️ Indoor Garden Drip System 💧

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If there is any wonder why I put hot glue on the end of the screw, it is to minimize the possibility of tearing my tent with a sharp object that will be right in the corner. A little preventative maintenance we will call it

This is such a simple and smart idea! This is a tip I will use for other household needs. In the past I would get tape to cover a sharp protruding object which worked well enough, but the idea of using a hot glue gun to cover the sharp object never occurred to me before. My hot glue gun has been gathering dust, so no you've given me a reason to put it back to work. Thanks!


Thank you my friend! I'm so happy you found something useful that you'll be able to implement into your life from my post, that's a very nice compliment!

I have a serious glue gun addiction, I actively think about uses for it as an excuse to fire it up and start squeezing that glue gun trigger, some parts of my 3D printer are even hot glued together. Just imagine what my stock of glue sticks must look like.

I hope your new year has been off to a great start and everything is well for you! Thank you for the kind words and support @epodcaster!


LOL. I found two hot glue guns in my house! They are both simple craft type glue guns. One uses the smaller glue sticks and the other a slightly larger glue sticks. I was surprised to discover a stock of both sizes. I don't even remember the last time I used them. They both look like they are ready for action though. Will fire them up and see what happens.

Wishing you well for a wonderful new year. Cheers!
