What the fossils tell.


What the fossils tell.


We all have bad days, but there are bad days that seem contagious, for example, 180 million years ago a crustacean similar to a small lobster lived the worst day of its life to be hunted by a belemnite that was an animal similar to today's squid. but with an internal skeleton, but it was not a good day for the belemnite, in fact it was his last day, since while he was eating he got lost and suffered the mortal attack of a primitive shark.


But the shark did not eat it, instead it moved away, perhaps it had gorged itself on food in the middle of a bank of belemnites or it may be scared by another circumstance, the truth is that this curious story was recorded in the amazing fossil above, The fossil was discovered in 1970 in a quarry near Holzmaden in a town in southwestern Germany.


The study that has recently been presented where the curious history of the fossil is analyzed, had as main researcher Cristian Klug of the paleontological museum of the University of Zurich, in Switzerland and who is also a professor at his paleontological institute and attention because this fossil teaches us a lesson for life, according to the researcher predators tend to be happy when they eat, forgetting to pay close attention to their environment and potential danger, said the scientist, so you know you have to be vigilant when you eat your bread and ham, at any moment a predator could emerge and end your happy day.

Study Source

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