Reconstruction of our most recent ancestors.


Reconstruction of our most recent ancestors.

Shaping Humanity

A team of scientists has created the best possible reconstruction of what the Taung boy looked like, a 2.8 million-year-old hominid who died when he was only 3 or 4 years old and his remains were found in what is now South Africa.


This same team also carried out what is the best reconstruction until the file of Lucy, an Australopithecus afarensis whose species is an ancestor of humans, the remains were found in Ethiopia in 1974, the reconstruction is an achievement of enormous value since what really remains of Lucy are these 52 fossil remains that you see above and that represent only 40 percent of her skeleton, which dates back between 32 to 35 million years.



Until now, each museum had created its own representation of Lucy and the differences between the others were enormous, but in this last recreation that you see, the scientific criterion was maximized, the features were more adjusted to those of the bonobos, which is a kind of chimpanzee that is considered the closest evolutionarily to humans, since the ancestors of the Bonobos and ours separated approximately 6 million years ago.


Lucy was a female who measured one meter and 10 centimeters and weighed 27 kilograms and may not have been more than 20 years old, it is not known with certainty that she died, but it is suspected that she could have a child before dying since at that age She was a fully adult female, as a curiosity Lucy's name is due to the title of the beatles song Lucy in the sky with diamonds, it was the song that the researchers were listening to on the night of the discovery.

And if you wonder why the different tone in the skin color of the child and Lucy, the reason for this is that their remains were found in very distant places with different levels of insolation, so the researchers took as a reference the skin tones of today's humans that inhabit the areas where the remains were found.

Study source

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