NASA celebrates 10 years of the Juno Mission


NASA celebrates 10 years of the Juno Mission


August 5 marked the 10th anniversary of the mission of NASA's Juno spacecraft to jupiter and its moons, and to celebrate it the space agency published an image and an infrared map of Ganymede, the giant moon of Jupiter and the largest in the system. solar.


The map has been made by combining data from three flybys including its last approach on July 20 when it passed about 50 thousand 109 kilometers from the moon, observations in infrared light not visible to the human eye, have provided new information about the Ganymede's icy layer and the composition of the ocean of liquid water that lies beneath its surface.


Ganymede is larger than the planet Mercury and is the only moon in the solar system with its own magnetic field, on earth the magnetic field provides a pathway for plasma charged particles from the sun to enter our atmosphere and create auroras, but because Ganymede does not have an atmosphere to impede its progress, the surface at its poles is constantly being bombarded by plasma from Jupiter's gigantic magnetosphere, which has a dramatic effect on Ganymede's ice.


This means that at high latitudes ganymede are dominated by water ice with a fine grain size, which is the result of an intense bombardment of charged particles, on the contrary the low latitudes are protected by the moon's magnetic field. and they contain more of their original chemical composition, especially non-water-ice components such as salts and organic compounds.

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