Colossal flares


Colossal flares

Proxima centauri is the closest star to the solar system and it is known that it has at least one rocky-type exoplanet similar to the earth and also orbits in the habitable zone of the system, the habitable zone is a distance to its star as for receive enough heat to maintain warm temperatures, not too far, not too close.

The problem is that this world not only receives the heat from its star, it is also hit by the energy of very powerful flares, astronomers have detected the last of these stellar flares thanks to the Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array observatory better known by its acronym (ALMA) located in the north of Chile.

The flare has been 100 times more intense than the most powerful of the flares detected in our beloved and peaceful sun, the flare was impressive for the small size of this star, Meredith Macgregor makes it very clear, she is an assistant professor at the University of Colorado Boulder stated that "the star went from being normal to 14 thousand times brighter when viewing ultraviolet wavelengths and that in the space of a few seconds," said the researcher.

Reaching this finding has not been easy at all, it has taken a worldwide campaign carried out for several months, the researchers observed the next centauri using nine terrestrial and space telescopes, managing to capture this extreme flare on May 1, 2019, with five telescopes that They tracked its timing and energy with unprecedented detail, it has been almost two years but it is that analyzing the data has taken a lot of time and work, of course this event was captured when the light of the flare reached us, the outbreak occurred 4 , 2 years before and this is not good news for the exoplanets of the star, since in addition to the habitable zone and it is of a size similar to that of the earth, there is another world much larger than the earth with an estimated mass of seven land masses, so it would be in the upper limit of the super earth category or it could be a mini net type world turn.

What is clear about this other world is that it is very far from the habitable zone of the system and therefore it is a very cold world orbiting the star at about 223 million kilometers a little less than the distance that separates Tuesday from the sun, who most suffers from the flares is the rocky-type world proxima centauri p minuscule that orbits the star only seven and a half million kilometers receives the flares practically fully on the entire face; But how is it that it is in the habitable zone being so close, only seven and a half million kilometers away and is that the next centauri is a smaller and colder red dwarf that our sun has barely an eighth of the solar mass, therefore the Quality zone of this star system is so close to the star but also something else is known and that is that this star has a similar age to the sun, which is why it has been bombarding the poble that planet proxima centauri b minuscule for billions of years And it is not because the star is a bad mother that the reason for its outbursts and variability is pointed out by some researchers that it is simply because it is very young, young for a red dwarf.

Red dwarfs can live 50 to hundreds of times longer than a star like the sun the universe is not old enough for no red dwarfs to have died of old age so proportionally Proxima centauri is still in its juvenile stage.

Stellar flares occur when a change in the star's magnetic field accelerates the electrons to speeds close to the speed of light.The accelerated electrons interact with the highly charged plasma that makes up most of the star, causing an eruption that produces emissions in across the electromagnetic spectrum, researchers are going to take a closer look at next centauri they hope to see in the future strange types of flares and that they demonstrate different types of physics that we had not thought of before.

study source

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