Psychological impact of teenage influencers on children



23% of children worldwide, already state with wanting to be stars in world 2.0. For them, the most desired dream at this time is, to become influencers, be recognized people and earn money quickly. The reason for this is related to the fact that children are living a digital era in which, they find funny references and generates inspiration so, they immediately begin to imitate everything they observe and listen.

Teenagers who have the influencers label become public figures and in each publication they make, they imply that they have a perfect life. These young people who are dedicated to entertaining through digital platforms, address beauty, art, video game, cinema, or some social interest issue.

Now, the origin of this problem is not focused on dreaming of being youtubers or influencers with millions of followers. The concern is 100% centralized in, how this new generation of children and adolescents is concentrated in the parallel and even surreal world that they can observe through their intelligent devices. Several studies have explained that there are minors between 8 and 12 years who dedicate 6 hours of the day to the cybernetic world.

It should be noted that, it is recommended that parents supervise what their children do in their cell phones and regulate the time they dedicate to preventing things from having an inappropriate course. Another important aspect to point out is that, obviously, everything that the digital context offers us is not dangerous, however, various studies explain that 70% of adolescents who see videos on YouTube, totally trust everything the celebrity says of your preference.

These children and adolescents yearn to have the lifestyle that their favorite influencers is projecting; For them, everything these celebrities say must be fully respected and executed. This happens because, during the childhood stage and at the beginning of adolescence, children have not yet developed everything that concerns critical thinking for this reason, they are a very vulnerable and attractive target for the feeling offered by the digital world .

They want to be like them
We are living a 100% digital era. The world of fashion, video games, art and music have a very large traffic of followers and, statistically speaking it has been said that more than 85% of these fields have teenage influencers.

Another psychological profile that also attracts children is that of, adolescents and young people who are dedicated to acting. In these people, the little ones see a charism that generates empathy in them and ends up becoming personalities that admire, imitate and dream of being like them.

Something important to point out in this issue is that, marketing is also an area studied by psychology and, through this study, it has been announced that, everything that encompasses marketing is part of a phenomenon that hides positive aspects And also negative since, in a aspect, mass impact influencers are economic profitability for recognized brands.

However, this economic bonanza is achieved due to media and mental manipulation. At this point, it is vital to be clear that, all children and adolescents belong to the advertising industry niche and therefore manipulate all their wishes.
