Computer Vision - Lets Take A Look


Although the first experiments in the field of Computer Vision began in the 1950s, and were used for the first time commercially to distinguish between computer and handwritten text by the 1970s, the field and applications of computer vision have evolved considerably today, expected by the year of 2022 The volume of spending on computers and the global device market is $ 48.6 billion - a huge number of course! - Computer vision has become an important part of our technical life today.

Before we get into computational vision, let's talk a little bit about some of the basic concepts associated with it.

If you were asked to name things in the image below, your answer is expected to be: tablecloth, basket, grass, boy, girl, man, woman, orange juice bottle, tomato, lettuce and plates without thinking about the answer twice, and if you are told to describe Update the image below so you will most likely say: A picture of a family picnic without even thinking about it again.

These questions are very easy and anyone with less intelligence than the average and over the age of six or seven can succeed in answering them, but nevertheless it does not seem so simple and easy, dear reader, where very complicated processes occur in the human brain that make us realize things In the image quickly and reliably, and this is called the human vision.

Our human vision of the things around us is a very complex part of the organic technology that includes the eyes and the visual cortex, but it also takes into account the mental models of things, our abstract understanding of personal concepts and experiences through billions and trillions from the processes of interactions that we have made in our lives in this world.

With the tremendous technical development today, digital equipment can capture images with high accuracy and detail far exceeding the human vision system, and computers can discover and measure the difference between colors very accurately, but understanding the content of those images is a problem that classic computer hardware has faced and has remained inaccessible for decades, the image Above for a computer is a group of pixels or numerical values ​​that represent colors.



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