Viaje al centro de la existencia / Journey to the core of existence 🇪🇸🇬🇧

Le pedí a la inteligencia artificial Stable Difussion que me generara una imagen a partir de la que usé en este post con mi rostro y este fue el resultado. La solicitud fue sencilla, solo pinchar la imagen original y decirle: Este hombre como un robot. Arcane style. y; como pueden ver, el resultado fue esta imagen futurista en la que estoy ¿yo? con unas gafas y un traje de salir a lugares elegantes. -¿Qué lugares habrá en el futuro para salir? Imagino que los mismos: Restaurantes, cines, discotecas...

I asked the artificial intelligence Stable Difussion to generate an image from the one I used in this post with my face and this was the result. The request was simple, just click on the original image and tell him: This man as a robot. Arcane style. and; as you can see, the result was this futuristic image in which I am me? with some glasses and a suit to go out to fancy places. -What places will there be in the future to go out? I imagine the same: Restaurants, cinemas, nightclubs....

De cualquier forma, me gustaría participar en esta iniciativa de la comunidad Unit Toward Freedom invitado por mi amiga #cuhiver @nanixxx. Si quieres participar tú, aquí te dejo el enlace de la convocatoria:

Anyway, I would like to participate in this initiative of the Unit Toward Freedom community invited by my friend #cuhiver @nanixxx. If you want to participate yourself, above's the link to the call.

Mi relación con la tecnología

Quizá mi yo del futuro (sí, el de la foto) no podrá hablar de estas cosas, pero creo que todavía soy consciente de los pros y los contras de todo lo que sea una pantalla con conexión a internet. Todavía nos queda como especie la capacidad de alejarnos de todo lo virtual y salir a la calle a estirar las piernas o a hacer alguna diligencia. Pero quién duda que en unos 30 años nuestra realidad se parezca a uno de los capítulos de Black Mirror.

My relationship with technology

Maybe my future self (yes, the one in the photo) won't be able to talk about these things, but I think I'm still aware of the pros and cons of anything that is a screen with an internet connection. We still have as a species the ability to get away from everything virtual and go outside to stretch our legs or run some errands. But who doubts that in about 30 years our reality will resemble one of the chapters of Black Mirror.

Cada día somos más dependientes de la tecnología, nos facilita muchísimas cosas que nuestros antepasados no pudieron disfrutar. Por ejemplo, obviar distancias y conocer a personas de cualquier parte del mundo, comunicarse con ellas sin ningún tipo de obstáculo. Así he conocido muchísimos amigos de comunidades diversas como Hive Pizza , HispaPro , Qué Riquera y ahora Unity Toward Freedom.

Every day we are more dependent on technology, it facilitates many things that our ancestors could not enjoy. For example, avoiding distances and meeting people from anywhere in the world, communicating with them without any kind of obstacle. I have met many friends from diverse communities such as Hive Pizza , HispaPro , Qué Riquera and now Unity Toward Freedom

La otra cara de esa moneda es que las interconexiones que se generan en los espacios virtuales muchas veces solo existen allí; es decir, por razones diversas, no pueden existir de manera paralela en la vida real. ¿Y qué tiene que ver eso? Bueno, que a nivel psicológico se pueden crear imágenes o escenarios basados en la idealización del otro, de lo posible; y a la vez se genera una dependencia de alimentar esas "relaciones digitales".

The other side of this coin is that the interconnections that are generated in virtual spaces often only exist there; that is, for various reasons, they cannot exist in parallel in real life. And what does that have to do with it? Well, at a psychological level, images or scenarios can be created based on the idealization of the other, of what is possible; and at the same time a dependency is generated to feed those "digital relationships".

¿No ves el problema aún? Tranquilo, si llevas poco tiempo utilizando las redes sociales o el internet en general de seguro te sucederá. Es inevitable. Pero para seguir disertando sobre la tónica futurista de este post, me gustaría pedir otra imagen generada por Inteligencia Artificial. No es que me esté quedando sin ideas, es que para tu comodidad visual aquí debe ir una imagen.

Don't see the problem yet? Don't worry, if you have been using social networks or the Internet in general for a short time, it will surely happen to you. It is inevitable. But to continue disserting on the futuristic tone of this post, I would like to ask for another image generated by Artificial Intelligence. It's not that I'm running out of ideas, it's just that for your visual comfort here must go an image.

Text to Image: Futuristic restaurant. Space scenario. Windows of glass, galaxy on the background.

Pausa para un café

Ok, ahora estamos en un bonito restaurante gracias a Midjourney. ¡¡¿Ven?!!, con la tecnolgía generativa también podemos hacernos una idea de cómo sería un restaurante del futuro, aunque en el de la foto creo que hay muchas mesas en muy poco espacio. Parece más un comedor de una gran colmena de habitantes o trabajadores.

Espero que no te esté aburriendo ahora. A mi yo del futuro quizá no le importe la aprobación social, pero a mí sí; a fin de cuentas sigo siendo solo humano. ¿Y qué es la humanidad? te preguntas mientras clavas en mi pupila tu pupila cyborg.

-¡Humanidad, eres tú!, te diría el poeta Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer. Pero yo, que no soy ni poeta ni filósofo, te digo que toda acción de nosotros los homo-sapiens en función del desarrollo de la especie, es humanidad. ¿No te satisface mi respuesta? Quizá mi yo del futuro te sepa dar una mejor, una al estilo de ChatGPT. Es más, preguntémosle un momento:


Coffe Break

Ok, now we are in a nice restaurant thanks to Midjourney. See?!!!, with generative technology we can also get an idea of what a restaurant of the future would look like, although in the one in the picture I think there are many tables in very little space. It looks more like a dining room of a large hive of inhabitants or workers.

I hope I'm not boring you now. My future self may not care about social approval, but I do; after all, I'm still only human. And what is humanity? you ask yourself, as you peer into my pupil with your cyborg pupil.

-Humanity is you!, the poet Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer would say to you . But I, who am neither a poet nor a philosopher, tell you that every action of us homo-sapiens in terms of the development of the species is humanity. Are you not satisfied with my answer? Perhaps my future self will be able to give you a better one, one in the style of ChatGPT. Moreover, let's ask him for a moment:

¿Qué respuesta te gusta más? Espero que la mía del presente. Y no la de esa IA que, si bien es más detallada, ¡no es la mia!. Déjame ir dándole un cierre a este post que ya me tengo que ir a vivir. Espero que te haya gustado este restaurante y el café.

-Camarero, la cuenta.

Which answer do you like better? Hopefully mine from the present. And not that AI's, which, although more detailed, is not mine. Let me close this post because I have to go live now. I hope you liked this restaurant and the coffee.

-Waiter, the bill.

Ensoñaciones de un niño que creció

Daydreams of a child who grew up

Text to image: A young man looking at the universe through a room window, dark sky, night, stars, lo-fi style. Midjourney style V4.

Desde muy pequeño tuve acceso a una computadora. Fui un afortunado, pues en los inicios de los años 2000 en Cuba la tecnología era muy escasa y tener una PC en casa era una suerte de lujo. Recuerdo que mi diario en ese tiempo era levantarme y jugar todo lo que me corriera en la máquina. Minijuegos a borbotones, el pinball o el solitario spider.

Los Sims fueron los que marcaron mi infancia. Luego descubrí el GTA Vice City y conocí por primera vez de la violencia en los videojuegos. En resumen, fui un niño gamer, aunque en ese tiempo no existía el término. Siempre buscaba la manera de pasar varias horas jugando en la PC y enajenarme de la realidad.

Creo que esa conducta moldeó parte de mi personalidad. Y aunque hoy utilizo la computadora para trabajar, me gusta de vez en cuando abrir un juego para despejar la mente. Muchas veces ni los termino si tienen historia, pero me gusta tener una máquina donde correr varios juegos.

From a very young age I had access to a computer. I was lucky, because in the early 2000s in Cuba technology was very scarce and having a PC at home was a kind of luxury. I remember that my daily routine at that time was to get up and play everything that ran on the machine. Mini-games, pinball or spider solitaire.

The Sims was the one that marked my childhood. Then I discovered GTA Vice City and I got my first taste of violence in video games. In short, I was a gamer kid, although at that time the term didn't exist. I was always looking for a way to spend several hours playing on the PC and alienate myself from reality.

I think that behavior shaped part of my personality. And although today I use the computer for work, I like to open a game from time to time to clear my mind. Many times I don't even finish them if they have a story, but I like to have a machine where I can run several games.

Lo que quiero resaltar con todo este texto es que es muy probable que mi yo del futuro ande ahora mismo sumergido en algún mundo de fantasía o, por el contrario, luchando contra una realidad desesperanzadora. No sabremos a ciencia cierta, pero si ese yo futurista conserva algo del niño que fui y de lo que hoy soy, de seguro no se arrepentirá de todo el derroche verbal aquí expuesto.

Espero que te haya resultado interesante la lectura, o al menos entretenida. Me gusta pensar sobre el futuro y cuestionar la existencia humana, partiendo de la formación de la personalidad y los matices psicológicos individuales. Por eso acepté la invitación a participar en este reto y plasmar algunas ideas en un formato entremezclado, al estilo de un ajiaco cubano.

Los dejo con una frase de la canción de Silvio Rodríguez a modo de dejar abierto el espíritu reflexivo y creativo. ¡Muchas gracias por leer! 🙌

"Somos prehistoria que tendrá el futuro"


Text to image: A loved man looking at the universe through a window, dark sky, night, stars, lo-fi style

What I want to emphasize with all this text is that it is very likely that my future self is right now immersed in some fantasy world or, on the contrary, struggling against a hopeless reality. We will not know for sure, but if that futuristic me retains something of the child I was and what I am today, I am sure it will not regret all the verbal waste here exposed.

I hope you found the reading interesting, or at least entertaining. I like to think about the future and question human existence, starting from the formation of personality and individual psychological nuances. That is why I accepted the invitation to participate in this challenge and to express some ideas in a mixed format, in the style of a Cuban ajiaco.

I leave you with a phrase from the song by Silvio Rodríguez by way of leaving the reflective and creative spirit open. Thanks for reading! 🙌

"We are prehistory that will have the future "

Texto escrito totalmente por mí y traducido al inglés con Imágenes generadas con el bot de Telegram Stable Difussion. Usé además los bots GPT-3 y Chat GPT. | Text written entirely by me and translated into English with Images generated with the Telegram Stable Difussion bot. Plus, I used GPT-3 and Chat GPT bots.


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¿Y qué es la humanidad? te preguntas mientras clavas en mi pupila tu pupila cyborg.

-¡Humanidad, eres tú!, te diría el poeta Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.

Morí con esto 😂🤣

"-¿Qué es poesía?,
dices mientras clavas
en mí tu pupila azul.
¿Qué es poesía?
¿Y tú me lo preguntas?
Poesía... eres tú".

(Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer)

And you also have something there... This:

The other side of that coin is that the interconnections that are generated in virtual spaces often only exist there; that is, for various reasons, they cannot exist in parallel in real life. And what does that have to do with it? Well, that on a psychological level, images or scenarios can be created based on the idealisation of the other, of what is possible; and at the same time a dependence on feeding these "digital relationships" is generated.

I think at a certain point here you are talking about alienation. It's a topic that could be written about at length. I have met people in the digital world who have given me more than a lot of people I see and can touch on a daily basis. I hope one day perhaps to be able to have those people closer to me. I think it would be even more empowering, or maybe it's an idealisation of mine. You see, how you get me thinking.

The ability to go outside and disconnect a bit from our devices will remain with us as long as we have the intention to do so. But you see you got me (thinking again) we don't know if in a few years, man, so creative, will invent a virtual ecosystem that will also act as a public space in which we can have the same experience as going for a walk in the park, breathing in nature, the sea and even exercising and sweating and working our muscles.... Hahaha. You know. Look at what frequency I'm on.

Ha sido un gusto leer aquí. Gracias por las menciones.


That's right, that's what the exercise was all about, getting us to think about what impacts technology will have in the future, at least I decided to go for that side of things. As you start thinking about each situation, any scenario in the future is totally possible. Thanks for commenting, nanixxx!


I have many times thought about what the world future would look due to our obsession or let me use the word "dependance" on technology.

I do not see anything happening and the only issue the human race might end up having is if some billionaires decided to twist the fate of human existence.

Technology is nothing without human, it is just there until we decide to bring it to life. The AI might be threatening really but I don't see it wrecking any havoc.

Thanks for participating...


Thank you for your comment. You're right!
