RE: A reflection on humanities and engineering [ENG-ESP]


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For my part, Heidegger is on the list of philosophers of the twentieth century that I like the least.

He was a self-confessed Nazi who never publicly regretted having been an intellectual who defended and justified the barbarities of Nazism, its science and technology 😠 😞

As for his philosophy, well, his work has been criticized for being very obscure in the sense that it is unintelligible. Mario Bunge considered his work "pseudo-philosophical" and Heidegger, a "charlatan" and anti-scientific intellectual.

I don't agree that today's science and technology have Heidegger to thank for anything, but well, his name is too pompous among the social sciences.

Por mi parte, Heidegger está en la lista de filósofos del siglo XX que menos me gustan.

Fue un nazista confeso que nunca se arrepintió públicamente de haber sido un intelectual que defendió y justificó las barbaridades del nazismo, su ciencia y su tecnología 😠 😞

En cuanto a su filosofía, bueno, su obra ha sido criticada por ser muy oscura en el sentido de que es poco inteligible. Mario Bunge consideró su obra "pseudofilosófica" y a Heidegger, un "charlatán" y intelectual anticientifico.

No estoy de acuerdo en que la ciencia y la tecnología actuales tengan que agradecer a Heidegger nada, pero bueno, su nombre es demasiado pomposo entre las ciencias sociales.


Ciertamente, la ciencia y la tecnología actual no tienen nada que agradecerle a Heidegger, y aunque sobre su persona se pueda decir mucho, de hecho admiro a Heidegger por su obra, más no por su vida. Es cierto, tiene sus detractores y eso es normal, creo que ninguna personalidad medianamente conocida se escapa de ello.

Totalmente respetable tu postura. No estoy de acuerdo con Bunge, en sus consideraciones sobre su obra como pseudofilosófica, aunque sus razones tendrá y eso se respeta. Ahora bien, que consideré charlatán es ya un ataque a su persona y no tiene nada de mérito atacar a la persona, si fue anticientífico no lo sé, pero es una interpretación válida.

Y aunque el Nazismo haya sido un momento terrible para la humanidad, siempre los procesos históricos tiene algo que aportar aunque sean momentos oscuros. Y aunque no nos guste el nazismo, fue gracias a Heidegger que se aceptó al castellano como lengua para hacer filosofía, antes solo se consideraba filosofía, un texto que se escribiera en Alemán, Inglés, Latín o Griego. Ya que Heidegger tuvo un estudiante venezolano, el filósofo Ernesto Mayz Vallenilla y fue él al cual Heidegger permitió traducir al español alguna de sus obras.

¡Gracias por comentar y dejar tu opinión!


Certainly, science and technology have nothing to thank Heidegger for, and although much can be said about his person, in fact I admire Heidegger for his work, but not for his life. It is true, he has his detractors and that is normal, I think that no moderately known personality escapes it.

Your position is totally respectable. I do not agree with Bunge, in his considerations about his work as pseudo-philosophical, although he will have his reasons and that is respected. Now, that I considered him as a charlatan is already an attack to his person and there is no merit in attacking the person, if he was anti-scientific I do not know, but it is a valid interpretation.

And even if Nazism was a terrible time for humanity, always historical processes have something to contribute even if they are dark times. And although we do not like Nazism, it was thanks to Heidegger that Spanish was accepted as a language to do philosophy, before it was only considered philosophy, a text written in German, English, Latin or Greek. Heidegger had a Venezuelan student, the philosopher Ernesto Mayz Vallenilla, who allowed Heidegger to translate some of his works into Spanish.

Thanks for commenting and leaving your feedback!


I do not agree with Bunge, in his considerations about his work as pseudo-philosophical, although he will have his reasons and that is respected. Now, that I considered him as a charlatan is already an attack to his person and there is no merit in attacking the person, if he was anti-scientific I do not know, but it is a valid interpretation.

You have to read and listen to Bunge and others to learn more about their reasons for calling him a charlatan and anti-scientist. Bunge in particular has opened my eyes as to some things that are almost "preached" in social science faculties about these personalities and, more than anything else, their philosophies. I should write about that 🤔

And even if Nazism was a terrible time for humanity, always historical processes have something to contribute even if they are dark times.

I agree with you and I would definitely keep Heidegger among the list of the most "influential" philosophers of the last century. I would use that word instead of "important" as the latter word gives more credit than it should :D In the list of favorite intellectuals, on the other hand, I put him at the bottom, just as I would have Hitler at the bottom of the list of favorite leaders.

it was thanks to Heidegger that Spanish was accepted as a language to do philosophy

Interesting fun fact. I will check it out later.
