The Impact Of Coronavirus On The Economy


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We are seeing a different world being created. This will impact the work froce.

In this video I discuss how the impact of technology now due to the coronavirus.

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The video discusses the impact of technological unemployment due to the coronavirus pandemic and the increasing trend of automation. The speaker highlights the surge in unemployment claims in the United States and predicts a significant portion of the workforce will remain unemployed. He explains how automation is affecting various industries, leading to the replacement of human labor with technology. The conversation delves into the ways in which automation leads to job losses, the industries most affected, and the implications for the economy and society at large. The speaker concludes by expressing concerns about the future job market and economic challenges ahead.

Detailed Article:
The video delves into the pressing issue of technological unemployment amidst the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic. The speaker emphasizes the significant impact of the virus on the economy, attributing the increasing unemployment rates to the push towards automation. He notes that the U.S. has seen a surge in first-time jobless claims, with estimates suggesting that up to a third of the workforce may currently be unemployed. While acknowledging that technology has historically created more jobs than it has replaced, he underscores the unprecedented speed at which automation is advancing.

The discussion moves on to explain how automation leads to job losses, highlighting that the process is not as straightforward as employees being directly replaced by robots. Instead, jobs are gradually automated, leading to attrition or bankruptcy of firms, ultimately resulting in unemployment. The speaker provides examples of industries like retail, manufacturing, and office work that are being transformed by automation, citing instances like Amazon replacing retail outlets and smartphones replacing traditional printing industries.

Furthermore, the speaker points out the shift in job dynamics over the past decade, where lower-end, manual labor jobs have been predominant, overshadowing the growth in high-skilled positions like coding. He mentions the rise of the gig economy and its impact on the working class, indicating that while technological advancements have revolutionized transportation through platforms like Uber, they have not necessarily translated into improved conditions for employees.

In closing, the speaker expresses concerns about the future implications of technological unemployment on the economy and society. He predicts challenges such as defaults, bankruptcies, and a non-thriving economy unless significant shifts occur in the monetary system. Moreover, he highlights the skewed nature of unemployment numbers and stresses the need for systemic changes to address the looming crisis of job scarcity. The video concludes with a somber outlook on the job market's future and the difficulties that lie ahead in the post-pandemic recovery phase.
