How much would it cost to convert this old Army jeep to be an EV?



It's such a shame that we are seeing less and less of these old army jeeps. They must be very expensive to maintain and I know they use a lot of gas. They sure are a hell of a lot of fun to drive though. I think it would be really nice if these Jeeps could be powered by electricity. Most people have these to show off and just drive around town to the market and back, so it would be a perfect EV.

This was once used by the United States Army to kill people here, but they don't mind. They still think it's cool here. I think it's because America is very good at PR. Can you imagine Russians driving around old WWII Nazi vehicles?

I think it would be really awesome if Elon Musk would not just make Teslas, but also make old cars into Teslas. It would be pretty cool to see some 1969 models self driving down the freeway running on electricity.

Maybe after Battery Day it will be possible. What do you think they will talk about on battery day?
