RE: Choosing between Concrete or Mud blocks for your buildings

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Thank you for sharing this information, no doubt the use of clay or cement blocks is a dilemma for you that not only depends on a simple decision, since a series of environmental and economic factors that must be taken into account influence, but certainly for safety and saving money in the long term is preferable to the cement block, which is more resistant.

Gracias por compartir esta información, sin duda el uso de bloques de barro o de cemento es un dilema para ustedes que no solo depende de una simple decisión, ya que influyen una serie de factores ambientales y económicos que deben ser tomados en cuenta, pero sin duda por seguridad y ahorro de dinero a largo plazo es preferible el bloque de cemento, el cual es mas resistente


Indeed! It is preferable to go the cement blocks without holes but that comes at a higher cost. Thank you very much for the audience and the comment.
