RE: [ENG] A sample of ancient civil construction and mechanical engineering designs [ESP] Una muestra de antiguos diseños de construcción civil e ingeniería mecánica

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It makes one wonder how the glory days and life were like in the sugar cane farm and the old sugar mill. The old empty chapel looks slightly eerie however, the property seems to have so much potential. I just hope the sugar tower is restored and retained as well as the original structures in consideration of future developments.


Hello friend @discoveringarni. Thanks for your comment. Greetings from Venezuela. Yes, it is a place with tourist potential. Unfortunately these spaces were expropriated and passed into the hands of the Municipality and from that moment the neglect of these historical monuments began. It is true what you mention in your comment, just imagining the productive life of these memories is exciting but today it is nostalgic to see the state of abandonment in which the trace of the past is. Before this they had private hands and they kept every corner beautiful, this area was very pleasant. The construction of the Urbanization preserved the memories but more than 20 years have passed and now, due to government oversight, they have begun to deteriorate. The neighbors are making a great effort to maintain and take care of it but the effort is titanic. Investment is required here and that is what the Municipality has denied. Greetings and blessings.

Hola amiga @discoveringarni. Gracias por tu comentario. Saludos desde Venezuela. Si, es un sitio con potencial turístico. Lamentablemente estos espacios fueron expropiados y pasaron a manos del Municipio y desde ese momento comenzó el descuido a estos monumentos históricos. Es cierto lo que mencionas en tu comentario, sólo imaginar la vida productiva de estos recuerdos emociona pero hoy da nostalgia al ver el estado de abandono en el que está el rastro del pasado. Antes esto lo tenían manos privadas y conservaban bonito cada rincón, esta zona era muy agradable. La construcción de la Urbanización conservó los recuerdos pero ya han pasado mas de 20 años y ahora, por el descuido gubernamental han comenzado a deteriorarse. Los vecinos estamos haciendo gran esfuerzo por mantener y cuidar pero el esfuerzo es titánico. Aquí se requiere inversión y es eso lo que el Municipio ha negado. Saludos y bendiciones.


Wishing you a lovely day today!


Thanks a lot. Same to you. Happy day full of blessings. Fraternal greetings from Venezuela.

Muchas Gracias. Igual para usted. Feliz día cargado de bendiciones. Fraternal saludo desde Venezuela.
