RE: Ayurvedic Architecture and it's evident strength.

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Wow what a majestic place. I would so love to go and walk in the steps of your ancient ancestors to feel the sacred magic of their knowledge and intuition that they have obviously imbued on such a extraordinary space.

I wholeheartedly agree with you that not enough of the absolute imperative subjects pertaining to to an easier and successful life are taught in school and this article is a perfect example of that because if students were taught the facts and fundamentals of architectural structure and designs like this, then we would still be constructing buildings of those unshakable characteristics right now.

And even students would learn how to adapt that type of ancient futuristic anatomy to every day use in the construction of homes, entertainment, retail centres and office buildings, complemented with the sustainable technology that is being developed today, then we would have less global warming and natural disasters which so casually sweep away so many homes and lives with air and water wouldn't be so much of an issue.

It's all one massively long, historical chain and somewhere back in the pages of history, the links of education were broken and the chain reaction birthed global warming and the catastrophic natural disasters that we are facing today- except really these are not natural disasters, they are man made disasters that started developing centuries ago, but have just been exacerbated by ignorance from some, arrogance by most and greed by many.

So yes, I do believe in ancient architectural supremacy and I think it's evident in so many ancient structures around the world- from Turkey to Egypt, India and way beyond.


Hello @chocolatescorpi what a remarkable comment. Pardon me as I was inactive because of which unable to give a quick reply.
Your thought process is really clear and correct. To be honest I too believe in this and I donot understand why the ancient construction techniques were vanished, Be it of any country or culture. taking a famous example of Pyramids.
Why was the knowledge not passed on? anyways we should do what's possible now and that is learn from the techniques and maybe this could change the world.
Thank you for your wonderful comment, keep flourishing.


No problem about the delay replying!

I know that much of the knowledge of the first Australian's, that Australian aboriginal nations, knowledge that has been passed on down through the generations through stories, song and dance was totally disrespected and ignored her for over 2 centuries because when the British- Captain Crook and his cronies bought their diseased bodies and arrogant minds over here, they treated the people of the indigenous nations as animals, not even human beings so all of their significant, intimate and learned knowledge of this land- the animals, the flora, the climate, everything was completely ignored and even erased in the eyes of white man, until only very recently- within the last couple of decades when some smaller communities and conservation groups around Australia, started talking to the local clans and working with them to protect and preserve nature.

But it really hasn't been until the 2020 xmas bushfires that mainstream people have really started to listen to their ancient knowledge and take their experience into consideration and put into practice... so maybe that has been the case of so much knowledge from so many other ancient civilisations, because when you think about it, how many nations around the world were invaded and colonised by Europeans, especially the British and their culture and traditions eliminated...

I believe that the historical British have a lot to answer for, infact so do their modern counterparts, because as far as I'm concerned, they started off this path to distruction wayyyyy back when and their ancestors all over the world continue to perpetuate it to this day.

But it's not just the British who would be responsible since the beginning of time, there are a whole lot more European nations that did such damage back then to the indigenous nations and broke the chains of knowledge so that Mother Earth is suffering so much today...

So since you come from an area with such outstanding ancient technologically advanced structures, then please keep them coming so that as you said, we should do what's possible now and that is learn from the techniques and maybe this could change the world.


You have a deep knowledge of history and I respect that. To be honest I donot carry grudge towards the new generation of British people but their ancestors did lot of damage to my nation as well and We will never forget that. Be it ruling India for 200 years and the deadly partition of India and Pakistan in 1947.
Many humans are totally responsible for the broken chain of historic knowledge as you correctly said.
My heart goes for the bushfire incident and many such natural calamities that took p-lace in recent years.
But now we need to unite and change our perception for goodness of mother Earth and absolutely learn from the advanced ancient technologies.

Thank you for your good thoughts and I wish you great day ahead.


I do not bear a grudge towards most new generations of british either, but there are still a lot of British and Europeans still trying to destroy the earth for their greed- just think of BP, Rio Tinto, BHP, Shell, Chevron and the list goes it's not us against any nation or race, it's about us trying to abolish Fossil fuel mining and coal fired power stations, nuclear development for every reason, etc in favour for actual real sustainable energy and infrastructural technologies. and that's why we have to unite to change their perceptions of the negative long term impacts of their current processes on the future of the earth and humanity on it.


That is so true, we need to put a barrier on natural material's exploitation and work towards betterment of nature and surroundings.


Yes absolutely.

What human beings are lacking these days, like that chain we are talking about, is joining the dots, re-linking action to reaction to action and so on and so forth.

Even with Renewable energy technology, people aren't joining the dots there either.

As an example, many now want to abolish fossil fuel mining and coal fired powers stations and just want renewable enerygy tech like solar, turbine, etc, but what they don't think about- join the dots, is the amount of iron ore from the fossil fuel mining to get the steel to make those giant wind turbines and how do they melt that iron ore, but coal fired power stations...However, there are many other better renewable energy technologies like this one here and I'm sure that you know about this too...
