What happens when we give space to our emotions?

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Being able to give space to our emotions gives us a great importance to validate the rhythm of our emotions, at the same time that we can evaluate the acceptance that we can have for ourselves of our emotions and the emotions of others.

We must be prepared for any instant of time whenever we want to open a space to our emotions, because just as it happens with our thoughts, emotions can come to us at any time and without warning, and although we have no control over our emotions if we can manage them in favor of our interests, however even if we know how to manage them there will always be the fact that our same emotions open to the fullest will always surprise us, or may even confuse us.

How is it possible that I feel jealous of this? Why do things affect me so much? I don't like to be sad. These are phrases that are often heard and that cause bewilderment in people, especially if they do not allow themselves to have certain emotions, especially negative emotions.

A very clear example that our emotions surprise us is when they go against what we consider right, we can consider that being jealous is a useless feeling, but when we feel jealousy we end up being surprised for feeling it, but it is something that should not surprise us, since we are supposed to be giving a space to our emotions.

Sometimes we find people who criticize other people because they are susceptible to anything that happens in their environment, but the reality is that many of these people who criticize the susceptibility of others, when they end up giving space to their emotions end up being people who are very affected by what happens in their environment.

The other circumstance in which many people usually claim that they do not like for example to be sad, logically nobody likes to feel sad, however sadness is an emotion, and we must assume and accept it, and when this happens we end up overcoming any event of sadness.

The conclusion of the case is that we should not close ourselves to the possibility of feeling any emotion, and on the contrary open ourselves to the possibility of giving a great space to our emotions, and with this we will end up closing the negative cycles in our lives.
