NASA offers $1 million to anyone who knows how to feed astronauts on Mars


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This is information that seems to be a way in which Nasa seeks to find and share innovative ideas where feedback seems to be the common denominator, the idea is that Nasa wants to encourage other scientists to show their work by proposing new ways to feed astronauts on the planet Tuesday in a sustainable way.

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It is clear that this is a strategy that NASA intends to implement with the intention that the competition (China National Space Administration) does not manage to win the space race that is currently in competition.

Perhaps in the past traveling to the moon was one of the most fashionable challenges, today we have that in terms of outer space the most desired project and goal is to be able to travel to Tuesday and make human presence there, apart from that it is clear that there are several scientific objectives behind it all, it is an ambitious project among other things because there are several factors to study, which is why it is very likely that man can reach the planet Tuesday for the year 2033.

One of the elements of study that Nasa is already considering is to find the right way to feed its astronauts on the planet Mars.

The term where technological innovation becomes valuable for NASA is that they need to feed their astronauts on the journey to the planet Mars, however this is a journey of years, in which carrying traditional food would mean that such food would lose its nutritional value, and if you think of pre-packaged food it would not provide the nutritional values of these astronauts.

In particular and as a conclusion, I think that NASA may be able to discover for themselves the technology based on scientific models that they can handle very well to give a solution to this challenge, however what they intend is to generate a feedback between their capabilities and the innovation of other people or technology companies that can propose a project that is up to the challenge of feeding their astronauts with the challenges of outer space, for this what better way than to reward them with 1 million dollars for the best proposal.

Tell me in the comments what you think about it, would you dare to make an innovative proposal to NASA to solve the way to feed their astronauts for a possible trip to the planet Mars? what would you propose?


Hi Carlos,I have heard about cases of people working with algae tanks that provide reliable food. Sounds powerful but I am not so sure about how tasty it will be.


Hello friend, it seems a good proposal about the algae tanks, although apart from the evaluation of the durability of the food, we must also take into account the digestive effect on the astronauts as well.

Greetings friends and thanks for sharing your proposal.
