The science in the universe of a neutrino


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In this installment, before entering the main content, you must know the basics, for example, energy, which is the ability of matter to produce work in the form of movement, light, heat, in several cases they are renewable and another is not, such as also from a natural and artificial source, in the case of matter in reference to it we have that it is the main component of bodies, susceptible to all kinds of forms and to undergo changes, characterized by a set of physical or chemical properties, Perceptible through the senses. In the case of physics, he shows us the following approach, where matter is everything that extends in a certain region of space-time, that has energy and is subject to changes in time and interactions with measuring devices, at the moment of To handle technology in which it has to do with an energy source, it is important to know these basic fundamentals, since all technology is vital for humanity for its social and cultural development.

We are also interested to know that neutrinos are extremely light elementary particles, the interesting thing about it is that they cross all materials, they are very difficult to detect and even more difficult to study accurately, in addition to new studies on them have yielded very interesting results in the different behavior between neutrinos and antineutrinos occurs during oscillation, where it is the capacity of these particles to change the flavor during their propagation. It is claimed that they are capable of reaching any point on earth, just like solar rays, we know that the Sun is the largest emitter of the solar system as an energy source.

For this day it seems appropriate to share the meaning that the neutrino has in the world of science, because a new path has been opened in the world of science, where fermionic-type subatomic particles are found, which have the following characteristics: these particles have a very small mass, which not so long ago was difficult to measure.


They are already being used in a scheme with their mass, to be able to use it as energy in a conservative way, since it is about investigating their behavior at the level of atomic charge and their means of interaction.

According to Guido Altarelli, Klaus Winter (2003), Neutrino Mass: that neutrinos have masses means that there is a spectrum of three or more own states of nuetrino, v1, v2, v3, ……. That neutrino mixture means that the state of neutrinos together with the weak interaction of charged current with the W boson and a specific charged lepton (like the electron), is not one of the proper states of the neutrino mass, but is a mix of them.
Here the "taste" α of the lepton can be e, μ or τ, and it is the electron, lμ the muon and lτ, in the decay W, the state of neutrino produced / Vα], called neutrino of the flavor α, is the mass overlap eigenstate / Vα].

Bearing in mind the following consideration in regarding the interaction of the force between the particle, they can find with following peculiarity, the gravitational one, the electromagnetic one, which can be of weak capacities or loudly according to the case, new paragraph in generates inside this quantum world, when a particle meets his corresponding antiparticle, this one has the aptitude to deteriorate, making possible to liberate a source of energy under the scheme of the equivalence of between the mass and the energy.


Thanks to the big discovery and work realized by Pual Dirac on the energy states of the electrons they drove to be able to predict, that a particle should be in turn it had to be identical in all the electrons, except his electrical load that this positive age, but at level of the neutrino we have the following thing, where the oscillation between the different families takes place aleatoriamente, where his probability of change seems to be higher in a material way than in the gap.

It are where one asks himself if this type of component will be instead of the universe in big quantities, The neutrinos are mysteries because these are not afraid of the solid matter, a peculiarity has in every secondly trillions of them they us can it crosses at the speed of the light and without we realize, without to see it but this happens, there is assumed the theory that they could travel across the entire planets when they travel round the space in a trip unusual.

According Yoichiro Suzuki (2002), The Third International Workshop on Neutrino Oscillations ...: wit Uei denoting elements of the neutrino maxing matrix, mi neutrino mass eigenstes and Øi relative Majorara CP phase, can be written in terms of oscillation parameters.


□Bibliographic Reference □

* Yoichiro Suzuki (2002), The Third International Workshop on Neutrino Oscillations ...

* Guido Altarelli, Klaus Winter (2003), Neutrino Mass.

