Top Three Project.hope Post Review, Sixteenth Episode.


Welcome to a new episode of my weekly review on project.hope. This is the 11th day in the month of July. Every week, I bring you exciting posts from the project hope community and this week we have amazing posts that will thrill you.

Let's begin.

First post.

What makes you happy?



Happiness is a state of the mind and there are so many things that makes a person happy, learning to discover the things that truly makes us happy and not depending on others to make us happy is one basic achievement.

Second post.

The 3D Industrial Revolution - Automated Technology and Manufacturing bringing Result


Technology is conveniently taking over human labour, tasks that will usually take months to achieve now takes some few hours to accomplish.

Third post.

3 challenges unique to entrepreneurs in developing economies.

Image Source

Becoming an entrepreneur is not an easy job but it is even more difficult in developing nation's where they lack lot's of infrastructures that will help grow the business.

You can go to the project hope community to read these post and more fantastic post from the community. The community has been doing really great and I am proud of the growth thanks to the team which include @crypto.piotr, @pedrobrito2004, @juanmolina, @lanzjoseg, @fucho80, @jadams2k18. I will be bringing another review next week and I hope to do it on both platforms.
