Technology in its Ugly Dress


It's not hard to tell how much technology we use on a daily basis - from computers, mobile phones, tablets, and televisions to refrigerators and ovens.

The continuous advancement in technology has given rise to many new methods of electronic communication, and this is beneficial not only for our personal relationships, but for education and business.

Technology has improved cultural #education by providing children with the opportunity, but needs to find a balance between the internet and the real world, so that people who really surround you are not left out.

Not so long ago, our entertainment experiences were living in the moment they happened, all because of the rapid growth of the internet, mobile communication, and #social networks.

Housing and lifestyle have been affected by modern technology. Most of the items you have in your home today are from technology to shopping online at any time of the day or night.

There is no doubt that technology is the driving force behind the tremendous improvements in healthcare, along with technological developments in hospitals.

Online courses provided most of them free. Modern technology has made it easy for students to learn from anywhere in the world through online education.


But ....

In recent years, we are witnessing a major development in technology, especially smart ones, as it has made great strides in making the world a very small village and #communication has become extremely easy and we do not need difficulties.
But on the other hand, #technology has a negative impact on the development of the human mind, the danger of these means for children who are exposed to violence, especially if they are - without supervision or guidance - things that affect the formation of their personalities and behaviors in the future.

Its contribution to introverting and depressing the individual, especially when touched by an addiction. It may increase the characteristics of autism, isolationism, and less communication with people.
Technological devices can cause many serious diseases such as cancer, brain tumors, and the most endangered are the eye.
#Laziness, #physical and #intellectual inactivity, and mental delirium, in 90% of people who use computers have #eye problems.
They found that people who read messages and browse the Internet on their mobile phones tend to bring devices closer to their eyes, making them work more tired to focus on the things that are written, the researchers said.

As a follower and specialist, I followed up on many cases of children and conducted studies personally on a sample of people from 10-50 years old. I found that these people average sitting on either smart devices or computers for 2-4 hours per day. If they are not used in proper methods It would be a deadly tool to fight and eliminate humanity.

Keep the younger generation, perhaps, and we may free ourselves and breathe freedom away from deceitfulness, mental and physical illness.

Do You agree with me ?!


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Thank You


@natalia-irish we are making good and better technology for our comfort , but we are not seeing its side effects like we have discovered mobile but the effect on children is very vast.


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