Let's talk about love



I saw a meme that said, "Remember... only the one who looks you in the eye and says "I WANT YOU" loves.

And wow, it struck me. How far is this true? How far or what point do we have to go to make the other person believe that you really love them?"

From an early age we are taught this cliché so that we are like blind donkeys, all on a single path and they tell you "If he does not say I LOVE YOU, it is not love" "If he does not do this or that, he does not love you", but is this true? Is it possible to love without expecting anything? Is it possible to love someone who does not say I LOVE YOU with words?

There are those who say yes, others like me say no, that the love of a couple must be reciprocal if it is definitely well identified.

Once it was my turn to talk about love, and I started to study looking for teaching, in the biblio in dictionaries, in great minds defining these 4 letters, and there are so many types, our first love, the love we feel for our parents, grandparents, siblings, all are different, the ways to love a cat or love the letter that your last boyfriend who left you before leaving, are different.

The differences between wanting and loving are simple, you WANT when you desire something or appreciate it, you LOVE, when you are able to leave your comfort and your reality for the other person, but I discovered something, for us Latinos "love" is different from Europeans, for them "to want" is to say "to love", and that they express little with words what they love, which makes me go to another point.

The way to show love; within the personalities of each individual, there are peculiar and particular characteristics, there are those who easily say "I love you", "I want you" who write poems, lyrics, songs full of that touch of love and even see hearts flying.

There are those who show it by giving food, carrying a glass of water, caring, protecting, giving gifts, who can say that it is not love? Who can say that it is not the strength of that feeling represented in various forms? Well my dear reader it is, it is the same love seen from another form and expressed differently, no one can say to another, "you do not love me, because you do not tell me" or "you do not love me because you do not give me chocolate ice cream every 3 days" or worse "you do not love me because you do not give me a gift every 26th of each month".

When we are dating, or we are in that time of getting to know each other, it is for that, to get to know each other, not to disguise each other's flaws and throw them in each other's face 20 years later.

We are different, we are animals with different personalities, feelings, behaviors, upbringing, situations that have formed us over the years to make us what we are today, love as many other things are different and are expressed according to the way each one feels them.

I could spend hours writing forms and testimonials but everyone should think about who is the other person they love and see how they love, if you are looking for someone who loves the same as you or is the same as you, I tell you that the relationship will not work, relationships are two different people, so that there can be that balance from all aspects and can mesh to function.

To love is simple, is to give everything for the person you love or want, to love is the welfare from all areas of the other person, to love is to say it with words, with a hug, a spanking or with a "I want you to be well" or with a big "I LOVE YOU".

Love, give yourself the opportunity to live, to give it, to enjoy it and to know that you are worthy of all that God, life, the universe has for you.



Love, love, love, love, is so complicated and simple that no book has been able to capture it as it is. There are two things that man can never discover, one is love and the other is to understand a woman. Certainly there are many ways to love but only one does it as God commands, a mother. A subject to reflect on and understand that without love there is no life. @tipu curate 2


Hi @mariu.espinoza, love is the essence and reason for life, it creates us, drives us and helps us to develop.
There are different ways to express love, the important thing is that it is true love, and that is felt and enjoyed.
Enjoy love, enjoy life.
Thank you for sharing, greetings


love to me is a complicated thing like a complex chemical reaction @mariu.espinoza
We humans have 5 senses and some of us have a sixth one so why limit love to an expression that can be only experienced by our ears. I feel it is a lot more.
It is like that sweet drops of rain that drench you to the core on a hot summer day. It is encompasses you and lingers on like the memory of a sweet fragrance.
True love is selfless and beyond and deeper than what can be experienced by one or all senses combined.
Cheers! enjoy your Sunday and Happy Easter to you and your loved ones.


Hello friend, an interesting topic, the truth is that love can be expressed in different ways, many people do not know how to say it but if they show it, I think that words are not everything, the facts often say more than an I love you. Our actions are our great example. I have left a message in your discord I hope you can check it. Greetings!


Love is such a beautiful feeling and there are a lot of people who quite often say to us that they love us part different circumstances things just change however I believe that true love is something that is beyond expectation and remain same at all times. no matter what happens with us turn how we are going to in light but the value of love would not be affected buy this. thank you so much for sharing this beautiful piece of publication with us .


Love is such a beautiful feeling and there are a lot of people who quite often say to us that they love us part different circumstances things just change however I believe that true love is something that is beyond expectation and remain same at all times. no matter what happens with us turn how we are going to in light but the value of love would not be affected buy this. thank you so much for sharing this beautiful piece of publication with us .


Lol can anyone really understand love? It's means different things to different people ans so what I call love might just be lust to someone else. Interesting piece
