Isolation and quarantine without common protocols

With this contribution, I want to share some approaches related to the most visible disagreements, which prevail around the Coronavirus pandemic, is to point out that humanity is showing how difficult it is to communicate and understand each other to overcome adverse circumstances, and I express it in this way, because it is notorious the non-coincidence of isolation measures and quarantine in the world.

Such is the particular case of Venezuela, where the territorialization of the pandemic exists as a species, since the government dictates a series of measures, the states schedule other measures with variations that in some cases are radical and in others somewhat flexible, while the municipalities create their own actions via municipal decrees.

Fig. 2 In Venezuela a territorialization of the pandemic prevails, this because each region creates its own decrees without agreements between municipalities. Image of public domain, Author: Mohamed H, 2018

In order to continue advancing, it is necessary to define the key and most used terminology around the Coronavirus pandemic, from a theoretical construct, it is known as a pandemic to the affectation of a contagious pathogenic disease among people throughout a geographically extensive area, however, it is important to mention that since the first pandemics that hit humanity, the risk of geographical spread increases as healthy people approach sick populations, or when certain localities with contagious epidemics do not immediately activate sanitary control measures such as isolation and quarantine, which causes the outbreak of infection to spread uncontrollably on a global scale.

Fig. 3 No common control measures or isolation protocols. Image of public domain, Author: Edar, 2015

Isolation and quarantine are similar health control measures and actions, but with different responses, used to prevent the spread of an extremely contagious pathogenic disease, the first measure refers to the separation of a symptomatic patient, while quarantine is nothing more than the lapse or restriction of mobility of a healthy asymptomatic person, who by some means had contact with a symptomatic patient or a suspected case.

Currently, between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the states highly affected by Covid-19, to date based on the incubation period of the virus have not regulated a common protocol of isolation and quarantine, for example; the practice of isolation is a measure of obligation, where health agencies and security institutions, must restrict the movement of people who are sick to avoid the pathogenic overcrowding, health action that has not been met in most regions, and that has probably meant the main cause of widespread spread of this deadly virus.

Fig. 4 Quarantine is in practice a mandatory measure, to be enforced by health agencies and security institutions. Image of public domain, Author: Alexey H, 2020

The above can be corroborated by the measures of voluntary confinement and restrictions on movement due to age, among other measures of equal and more controversial importance, which have been decreed in some countries with high cases of infection by Coronavirus. I end this article with this sentence, "Only the application of common protocols will give positive results against this silent enemy".


[1] Ledermann W. El hombre y sus epidemias a través de la historia. Rev Chil Infect Edición aniversario. 2003; 13-17. Article: Online access

[2] Velandia A., and López W. Pandemia y aislamiento en tiempos de desigualdad: las banderas rojas de la cuarentena. 2020. Article: Online access

[3] Msf. ¿Qué es una pandemia? ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre pandemia y epidemia?. 2020. Article: Online access

[4] Gorvett Z. The 432-year-old manual on social distancing. 2021. Article: Online access


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating the public domain image background: Distel A, 2020

Original manuscript, uploaded from the Project HOPE community website


Hi @lupafilotaxia
Unfortunately, the rejection of the implementation of security measures due to the pandemic, as well as the unification of protocols, has not been achieved even regionally, much less globally.
Due to the diverse criteria, thoughts and interests of the world's population as well as the lack of timely action by many governments.
Thanks for this great reading.
Best Regards


Greetings @janettyanez

From my point of view, it is a delicate subject because in spite of all the progress we have made, it is unfortunate to accept that we are a contradictory species, that we have not yet managed to create effective mechanisms of communication and understanding, an element that positions us as a problem species. Thank you for visiting the blog.


In Venezuela the sanitary measures are abysmal, people in many states have to decide if they are at risk of contagion or die of hunger, without a doubt this country is one of the most affected by the virus and the bad policies that only seek social control, a silent tragedy that seems not to matter to anyone.


Hello @trabajosdeliglo

I understand your point of view, even if the case of Venezuela was only an example, since beyond the adverse political scenario, the measures of Isolation and Quarantine work in the same harmony and lack of control, as they do in the countries with better economic and health system situations, this because, on a global scale, there are no agreements of understanding for the establishment of common protocols, it is a global crisis of communication and understanding. Thank you for leaving your comment.


hi dear @lupafilotaxia
I think the world was not prepared for this and our beautiful country less, here nothing works, what can we expect from the quarantine.


I understand your point and I hadn't really thought about it, but you're right, if all the protocols were the same and people respected the laws or guidelines imposed everything would be easier. Unfortunately most people think of themselves and do what they think is best. In Venezuela we know that the government only acts for their benefit, so I think this year will be a bit chaotic as well.


Hello @franyeligonzalez

Humanity walks without a compass, learns little from the mistakes experienced in the past, and thinks that a solution is to communicate and understand each other effectively, this to avoid the unnecessary focus that has been multiplied by the application of wrong measures. Thank you for your visit, and for leaving your accurate comment.
