Technology for everyone?


Time is so relative that it allows us to live sometimes very fast and other times to seem that everything goes very slowly. Just as time is relative, there are other things that are relative. For example, 30 or 20 years ago many thought that by 2020 we would have cars flying, robots doing all the jobs at home, among other 9particularities in which science fiction could often serve as a premonitory.

But the reality is different, there are many advances, that can not be denied, it would be like pretending to cover the sun with a finger. But, that technology is everywhere is as relative as time. Don't you think?



We can witness the emergence of smart cities, with the Internet of things knocking on the door of some houses (not all), the technology 5G in the midst of a strong dispute and resistance to it, some countries with a breakthrough in terms of permanent surveillance of all citizens for reasons of security, among other things that are wonderful in the eyes of some and not so much for others. But they are happening.

Technology has become present in many parts of the world, we have not reached that point where we cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy, or even if...

The truth is that films make us think that flying ships are close by and that at any moment we will see them flying through the streets of any country. But, there are countries where technology as we know it in most of the spaces that we transit, does not seem to be even close to arrive, so much so that not even the most basic can enjoy it.

But, there's something I want to clear up, what is technology?

"It is an answer to man's desire to transform the environment and improve his quality of life. It includes knowledge and techniques developed over time that are used in an organized way to meet some need."Source

This concept called my attention, we could say that in general we relate that word to great advances that include almost always science, electronics, robotics, artificial intelligence, among other things. But, in houses like the one in the image, even though it satisfies the need of some family to have a home, what in today's world falls within that called technology is very far from enjoying these benefits or do you believe it?.

I hope you enjoyed it, thank you very much for reading me.




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Well...its not that technology is all that good, it's helpful yes, but it cannot replace human community. We need to build a good society where all are happy, secure and connected. Technology kind of disconnected our connection with people which is not good.

Need balance. Progress is good, advancement is good but it should grow in accordance with established values, ethos and stuff like love, respect, care, and culture should be maintained.

Humans should not be converted into machines, forgeting what it means to actually be happy, technology cages us, addicts us, makes us stupid.

Nothing can replace simplicity, it's elegance. Anyway... I am not for a future with flying cars, but preper with with intact hills, oceans, clean air where I can cycle all by myself alone for miles!! Not sit at home and watch some virtual reality thing instead.


Very good comment @mintymile
Yeah, that "makes us stupid" thing, as loud as it sounds, can be very real.
Many people isolate themselves totally and it's not good, losing humanity goes hand in hand with playing down the importance of nature, and well, the chaos we are living now with global warming and more is a product of that dehumanization, in my opinion.


It is necessary to develop factors such as empathy, solidarity and over never lose the human communication factor which I think co technology dehumanizes that point and we tend to isolate ourselves, staying alone.


Humans are becoming dehumanized, this is particular, but it's a reality, it's in the past.
Individualization often comes to that. It's a little crazy to think about. But that's the way it is.
