How Impotant Technology has been in fighting COVID-19, and what if There Wasn't Technology?


As we know, there is no confirmed vaccination for COVID-19 but at least some people have been recovering. For the first time in a very long time, it looks as if the entire world is fighting one enemy which is the novel coronavirus COVID-19. So just like professionals advices, please wash your hands properly with soap and water for up to 30 seconds and stay indoors for now, you do not have to worry about families and friends and how you want to meet them now and give them a hug. Currently, we have to fight for survival. You have to stay indoors so the risk of having a higher number of cases can be eliminated. If you do not know, if the number of cases is above the numbers of health workers and medical practitioners available, it will be left to the doctors to determine who lives and who dies and trust me, people with large wealth as well as young people will be chosen over aged people since the young can still reproduce and make the world improve in the nearest future and the rich have the money to buy their space for health care.


So stay Safe.

Still on the coronavirus pandemic, have you thought about how the world would have been if there were no technological advancement? To be sincere, the world didn’t prepare for something like this and for a country like china that want to become world power, it was easy to cover up this kind of disease as it was never expected to become a pandemic.

Imagine the world without internet connection, how do you think information will get to people, how fast do you think it will get to them, how will people entertain themselves, what about engagement and easy access to resources online. Have you imagined this pandemic in the 80’s or 90’s, a lot of people who can work from home with the use of the internet would have been fired, and a lot of companies would have gone bankrupt?


Artificial intelligence was the first to report the case of COVID-19 in Wuhan province of China. Also, Alibaba built an AI-powered diagnosis system that diagnoses a person in seconds. In other to get medical supplies and goods to their destinations, drones were used to deliver them. A very good example is the Terra Drone. The drones are also used to track compliance with quarantine. Since it can be transmitted from person to person, health workers started using autonomous vehicles to pick people to isolation centers. What would the world look like if these technologies aren’t available?


Final Word

I can imagine how life would have been around 250BC, and how people coped. With the world going digital, the quarantine period isn’t going to be boring compared to a world without technology. If technology wasn’t at this level, it would have been really difficult to treat the COVID-19 virus as well as pass information to people around the world.

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Without technology that enables large scale transportation we probably wouldn't be in a situation like this. Back in 250BC it was very hard to travel long distances. You couldn't fly anywhere and trips across continents took weeks or months, not hours or days. That translates into difficulty spreading a contagion. People wouldn't need information about it, because they wouldn't catch it. There would be no way to carry it across the entire world to cause a pandemic. People would still get it and some (likely more than today given medical technologies) would die, but it wouldn't be nearly of the scale it is today. At least it wouldn't move nearly as fast.

That said, I'm no virologist.

Technology does have risks as well as benefits though.

Just food for thought.


Yes.. technology has both good and bad sides. I cannot imagine the world without technology at all.


The case of the virus is spreading real fast and even if we have to stay indoor we cannot be more than grateful for technology. I cannot imagine how the world will be without technology


The virus is really causing a lot of panic and I hope a cure is found.
