RE: Machine Consciousness - For or Against?


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Dear @samminator

It's indeed a fascinating time to live our lifes. Especially if we're interested with advancement of technology - also with it's risks and benefits.

AI should be somehow regulated. It's kind of scary that this market is fully unregulated across. It's also hard not to have an impression that within upcoming future, human intelligence will be nothing comparing to AI. Will we become slaves or "pets"? Just like dogs and cats are having their owners? Will AI own us (humans) and treat us like adorable but very silly beings? quite possible.

Obviously, we have emotions and feelings but the question now is, with the speed at which the dividing line between humans and machines is blurring out, in few years from now, will "emotions and consciousness" be the absolute prerogative of humans alone?

Good question. I sometimes wonder if AI will become more human or will human become more like machines.

Upvoted already,
Yours, Piotr


Exactly buddy. Proper regulations need to be put into place. I remember there are about 3 laws of AI and robotics stipulated by Isaac Asimov but how many of them are still implemented today. Well, I guess we all should brace up for impact.

Many thanks buddy
