Analysis of Postmodern Philosophy



Postmodern philosophy has a place whenever our ideas can go beyond the threshold of the ideas that have characterized these modern times, logically postmodern philosophy has its bases well rooted in a constant development about a hard criticism mainly directed to the customs that have their origin in tradition, it is not difficult to think that this current of postmodern philosophy can also criticize rationality, since rationality is more attached to the conservative, and being the postmodern philosophy with revolutionary features to the change of a philosophy more attached to constructive realities towards the understanding of a materialistic and constructive being.

The main belief or flag raised by postmodern philosophy is to distance itself from the ideas of modern philosophy, its precursors thought that this was the only way to build a theoretical and philosophical base with features different from modernism, another point of convergence lies in the fact that postmodern philosophy maintains a staunch skepticism with everything traditional concerning modern philosophy, literature, politics, science, among others.

Ciertamente es necesario agregar que esta corriente filosófica tiene sus detractores y críticas, ya que la forma de abordar temas matemáticos y de ciencias físicos bajo un enfoque social, en el cual según los detractores, se tiene que bajo la filosofía posmoderna se construyeron algunos postulados bajo una esencia social con carencia de ciencia y demostración.


It is important to remember the very principles of knowledge, where philosophy gave way to science, since it is in fields of science such as physics that were precursors of the most basic notions and that built the most relativistic and paradoxical ideas about the physical world as we know it today, the importance of remembering these basic premises is that as time goes by after these foundations were sown, postmodernity as a philosophical current assumes this basic knowledge to transmit it under a new approach with characteristics of postmodernity.



Very good analysis about Postmodern Philosophy. I am a literature students and i have learned literature of shakespeare, crhistopher marlow and more. Solid read


Hi @luckyali.

I am honored that a person with extensive knowledge in literature likes my philosophical writings. Greetings friend and thanks for commenting.
