Impact of climate change on the Earth's tilt.



Man in his eagerness to have a better quality of life is performing acts that are deteriorating the environment every day, our planet is gradually suffering damage that can trigger environmental catastrophes that all mankind will regret in the not too distant future. The emission of CO2, indiscriminate logging, the extraction of groundwater, are some of the many problems that are affecting our planet, this situation has resulted in a general transformation of the ecosystem of our planet.

Man's current activities are causing the poles of our planet to melt at an accelerated rate, which is an additional problem to be added to the deterioration of climate change. Our planet has life, that is why the poles of the Earth are moving at a normal rate, what is worrying and what is not normal is that the activities that man develops are causing the movements of the poles to accelerate.

The disproportionate use and extraction of water for human use is giving a considerable plus to the wandering of the Earth's poles. According to research published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters shows that climate change is drastically accelerating the Earth's tilt, with water distribution playing a key role in the Earth's weight. As the polar ice caps have melted, the Earth's rotation is changing proportionally as a result of the tilt being generated.

Scientists in charge of studying the tilt of the earth in a very thorough way have made a comparison of the tilt of the Earth from the 1990s to the current decade. Through the scientific and technological advances that have been presented to study this situation, scientists have resorted to water observations, measurements of ice loss and statistics on groundwater for human use, in order to study more accurately how the poles are moving. This research has shown that during the years 1995 - 2020, the speed of the movement of the poles has increased by 17 times compared to the average speed between 1981 - 1995.

Combining the polar drift data with the existing water data, it has been concluded that most of the existing movements of the poles are due to the loss of water in the polar regions, in addition to the loss of water in other regions where man extracts groundwater for its use. Based on everything described above, humanity must become aware and carry out activities to help reduce the impacts that climate change is causing to our planet.

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We all know that earth is tilting bwvery year from its gravitational force we cannot feel the tilting but climate change has doing all this effected need to take care of mother earth otherwise we have to face new challenges.


Greetings @genx-miner, your comment is very accurate, in addition to the natural inclination generated by climate change, which is accelerating its deterioration.

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