The Innovator and the Inventor; understanding the two people


Technology, has increased the productivity of many industries and the livestyle of humans but one will not talk about technology without making mention of inventions and innovations. A lot of us confuse these two words as they look and sound alike, will they be having the same meaning? Our ways of life has changed, thanks to the continuous improvement of technology we have been able to move from using oil lamps to having electricity, we have been able to find better and faster means of transportation and many more things but what is an Innovation and what is an Invention?


Inventions are technological development, which are vital to human civilization and development as years go by. Invention has been able bring different things together to form new things which never existed before. Most of the scientist in the past that brought modern civilizations were inventors such as Thomas Savery, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, and so on. These people were known to create ground breaking inventions which were accepted by the world and was needed by humans at the moment. Although, inventions are great ideas coined together to create what never existed, a lot of this inventions were never accepted or were not seen as useful as at the time of creation, thereby not bringing the inventor to limelight.

Innovation is defined as the upgrade and or improvement to inventions, thereby allowing the public to see its importance. The first wheel was a brilliant invention but the first car was an amazing innovation with the use of wheels. The first car was an amazing invention but the commercial production of electric cars is a great innovation. Innovation makes invention become popular and available to the public. Most times, inventions are done in a small size, most time just a unit which could be forgotten if people do not understand or see reasons why they should utilize it, but innovation solves this problem. Unlike invention which is done for the purpose of creating something new, innovations are upgraded inventions created for the purpose of making money. With innovation, regards are always given to the inventor but the cash goes to the innovator and so many entrepreneurs are innovators.

So the next time you hear about the word innovation and invention as well as innovator and inventor, be sure not to mistake the two.

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Hello friend, an excellent clarification of both definitions, we definitely need the innovations to continue improving, I believe that both are fundamental in our lives, every day a new idea is born.
