Precision agriculture/technology applied in agriculture


Desing made in CorelDraw by @amestyj 2020, with public domain image: DJI-Agras 2019

Dear agroreaders, technology has brought great advances in society in different areas such as medicine, education and currently in agriculture with the implementation of devices to collect relevant information on agronomic aspects related to soil, plant, climate and geographical position, All of these technological resources provide a wealth of data that is needed to increase crop yields without affecting the environmental component, which is the new challenge facing the agricultural sector for years to come.

As everyone knows, in the agricultural and livestock sector a set of practices are implemented for the management of the soil and crops, actions that are executed by man with the intention of transforming the natural ecosystem, but such transformation should not have an impact on the deterioration of the natural resources needed for this economic activity, That is why a comprehensive approach must be taken, combining different technologies and activities based on economic and ecological principles that generate optimal yields for local, regional and global food security.

In this sense, it is important to note that agroproductive systems are in search of optimal yields through the management of biotic and abiotic components present in the agroecosystem, the situation which has led them to move through various forms of farming, such as the advent of the industrial revolution, for example, when the use of the well-known technological packages increased the use of synthetic products and machinery, This situation has led to some imbalances in agricultural ecosystems due to the irrational management of these resources, essentially harming the present biodiversity. Therefore, at present, there is talk of a sustainable model that seeks to consolidate the balance of the components of the system using alternatives that allow to manage the resources present in the production systems, Based on this vision, the agroecological paradigm and precision agriculture emerged.

The emergence of precision agriculture has its basis in technology making use of artificial intelligence, since producers often receive advice from unqualified technicians in the agricultural area, bringing with it certain economic losses due to the fact that they do not carry out a thorough diagnosis of the area to be cultivated, ignoring important practices such as soil analysis, determination of climatic conditions, identification of potential pests and weeds, among other activities, a situation that can be gradually corrected with the use of digital devices to obtain standardised ecosystem information and process it through complex mathematical models, which will allow the correct amount of inputs to be applied at the exact time and place.

Image 1. Stages of precision agriculture, Desing made in CorelDraw by @amestyj 2020

Technology used in precision farming

The methodology implemented in precision agriculture is based on data collection, data analysis and the correct implementation of bioinputs in crop production. The following technologies are used for data collection and processing:

* Global positioning system (GPS): allows within agricultural systems to locate machinery in real time, determine the surface of a pasture and locate the points for planting crops.

Image 2. Real time machinery location, Desing made in CorelDraw by @amestyj 2020, with public domain image: Openclipart 2014

* Local or remote sensors: The technology is in a constant evolution, that is why currently there are devices with a high storage and processing capacity, within these devices are local and remote sensors, The former are located in the field at a distance or in contact with the object to be collected (soil, plant, or climate data collection), while the latter are located on satellite or aerial platforms by means of drones.

Similarly, through these devices, field monitoring of crop performance can be carried out based on the information provided for each surface by the GPS satellite tracking system, The moisture content and grain quantity can also be estimated. Performance can also be determined at harvest time by placing sensors on the machinery intended for harvesting.

Geographic Information System (GIS): Geographic Information Systems are computer systems that allow the processing and analysis of sensor and GPS information, allowing decisions to be made about the amount of fertilizer to be used, the time of harvest, pest and weed control, among others.

Image 3. Geographic information system, Desing made in CorelDraw by @amestyj 2020, with public domain image: Gómez Emilio 2006

The challenge of this type of technology is to know how to analyze the data correctly, so it is advisable that the management is carried out by agronomists well trained in the technological area.

Advantages and disadvantages of precision farming


* The information collected and processed correctly, together with the knowledge of the agricultural technician, will make the right decisions regarding the management of the crop.

* Costs in terms of fertilizer application will be reduced as precise information on the nutritional requirements of the soil and crop will be available, thus generating the exact formulation and dose to be applied.

*The collection, processing and analysis of data generates a history of crop yields over time, which would allow comparisons to be made in terms of climatic, soil and other factors.


*Some agricultural producers consider the initial investment in obtaining the above-mentioned equipment to be high.

*Little training on the use and benefits of technology for crop yields and the environment.

*Resistance to paradigm shifts from conventional agriculture to more sustainable agriculture.

Final Considerations

Finally, it should be pointed out that the delay in the agricultural and livestock sector in adopting precision farming, Possibly it is due to the lack of programs of financing to producers and training on the different hardware and software that can be used in the agricultural areas. But in spite of this, it is necessary to disseminate this type of information that allows to socialize the advances of the technology, In the current context, abrupt climatic changes require environmentally friendly technologies that ensure the optimal yield of crops in search of the sustainability of agricultural systems.

From agrotecnia we reiterate our gratitude to our followers and all communities that value our content, this commits us to continue sharing quality information with the entire hive.

Recommended bibliography

* National Institute of Agricultural Technology (2016). Precision Agriculture and Livestock with value added in origin.Argentina: Author.

* Pérez, M.; Quebrajo, L.; Martínez, J. and Agüera J. (2015). Introduction to Precision Agriculture in the Guadalquivir Valley. Spain: G.D.R.


Thank you for sharing this content, where it is clear how technology defined a society and its culture of doing its things in the field of agriculture.


Greetings @newton666, it is amazing the accelerated evolution of technology and satisfactorily in agriculture currently exist many advances aimed at improving the yield of crops, I consider that when used correctly, Large economic benefits can be achieved in the medium and long term and reduce the high consumption of agrotoxics.


Welcome to the #project hope community, I know that as a connoisseur in the agricultural area you will give good technological contributions in this area. Greetings friend @amestyj


Dear @carlos84 thank you for the welcome, if there are different aspects of technological and administrative interest that can be addressed in agricultural systems, since it could be considered as an agribusiness, where important decisions are made by the human component the manager, I hope you will like the shared publications !


how are you dear friend @amestyj good afternoon
Excellent post. without a doubt technology is very necessary to improve the performance of agricultural activity, adequate information and on time makes a difference
Thank you very much for letting us know all this information
have a wonderful afternoon


Greetings dear friend, I am glad you are visiting my blog again, if you have the necessary technology for data collection and analysis, we can implement optimal management in the crop. Still in communication 👍


Siempre es un verdadero placer visitar tu blog querido amigo, encuentro siempre información muy útil
aprecio mucho el trabajo que haces. Muchas gracias
que pases un maravilloso dia


Thank you a thousand thanks friend, your words are comforting and encourages us to continue sharing agricultural experiences with people like you who love agriculture.


there is nothing to thank dear friend, we are grateful for the excellent material you provide us
have a wonderful night


Excellent post my friend @amestyj. Thanks for sharing it.


Greetings dear friend @tsoldovieri, I am glad that you visit my blog, I hope that the information can reach different users and that you know the possible technologies that can be used in the agricultural sector. we keep talking
