Mechanical milking, a technological tool to support agricultural production

In livestock production systems, there are several activities that require special attention, and obviously in all of them the time factor is implicit. It is an extremely valuable resource that has driven man to generate technological resources that optimize production processes, in addition to providing the advantage of reducing labor costs. One of the activities in the cattle systems destined to obtain milk, is the practice of milking, in which a series of systematic processes are involved on which the success depends to reach adequate levels of production in the farms.

In search of technical and productive efficiency, the agricultural division of Bogota in 1985 pointed out that in 1819 in New England, the first mechanical equipment was developed to perform milking, however, its rusticity generated physical abuse to the mammary system of the cows, causing injuries that led to the proliferation of infections of the mammary gland, This situation led to the development of increasingly sophisticated machines, which imitated the natural suction process performed by the calf for the extraction of milk, and today mechanical milking went from simple (continuous) suction, mechanical compression (with rollers that squeeze the teat) to the current discontinuous suction.

Mechanical milking room

Design made by @amestyj 2020, with image of public domain 1

From a practical point of view, and according to the experience obtained in the field, manual milking can have a duration per cow of up to 5 minutes, for cows with production averages of 6 to 10 lt/milking and experienced milkers, while mechanical equipment can milk a cow in less than a minute, which is a huge advantage when there are production units with herds larger than 50 cows. This technological tool is one of the most widely used breakthroughs in dairy farming, as it is a very practical way of performing a rather laborious task when done manually.

In addition, it is important to mention that portable and fixed equipments have been developed, being this a very useful tool for the producers, since they adjust to the needs of each production unit. In relation to the fixed equipments, different systems can be presented in relation to their availability in the milking rooms (rotary, parallel, tandem, herringbone and automatic) with the purpose of increasing the performance and efficiency of the system.

Portable mechanical milking equipment

Design made by @amestyj 2020, with image of public domain 1

Another advantage that can be attributed to this technology, is the issue of handling the milk, which is conducted through pipes (previously sterilized) to storage tanks, which is kept at a temperature of approximately 3 to 4 ° C, this procedure allows you to maintain the quality and safety of milk.

Dear readers, this has been a new delivery about the technological tools developed for the agricultural area, in the search of optimizing the productive processes, in spite of the fact that from the economic point of view they can increase the production costs, it is compensated with the reduction of the necessary manpower for the execution of this practice.

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Greetings friend @amestyj thank you for such an excellent post where you show us the technological potential in this production activity, since it has a social, economic, cultural impact, that all leaves a teaching that can provide more opportunities and new innovation.


Greetings my great friend @newton666, the technology always present in the different economic areas, with a great financing and technical accompaniment for the good use of this type of technology, I am sure that the producers would have a good cost-benefit relation regarding the milking of the animals.

Greetings friend @amestyj, as usual it is always a pleasure to read your posts related to livestock production, it is true what expresses the mechanical milking has represented an incredible progress in this area, in this way the technology reaches any field of human development. Thank you for sharing your extraordinary knowledge with all of us, blessings to you and your family, successes.

Greetings my dear friend @rbalzan79, thanks for the appreciation you give to my content, the mechanical milking parlors are a great support for production, it would be great if agricultural policies included this type of technology within funding sources.

See you later brother, blessings for your family, a big hug !


This is a very interesting type of improvement for this productive segment.

Nice update, @amestyj.


Greetings @wiseagent, without a doubt this mechanical milking system is a great help for the producers, since it allows them to save resources and work hours.

Have an excellent weekend, my friend !


Hola querido amigo @amestyj buenas noches
Excelente post que nos das a conocer hoy, siempre nos sorprendes gratamente con tus informaciones
aprecio mucho la dedicacion que pones en tus trabajos para brindarnos una información de calidad
aprovecho para desearte una esplendida noche, un abrazo y un cariño grande para toda tu familia


Greetings my dear friend @jlufer thanks for your assessment, I am glad that the content is to your liking, I hope you are well, blessings for you and your family !


hola querido amigo @amestyj buenas noches
Siempre es un placer visitar tu blog, encuentro cosas muy útil e interesante, disfruto mucho de tu contenido
Aprovecho para desearte una esplendida noche y un feliz descanso


Hello friend @amestyj.

Mechanical milking is a technology that simplifies the laborious task of milking cows and optimizing milk production. Greetings and thank you for this important information.
