RE: Love (Sort of) Beneath the Waves in a Collage for LMAC #98

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This is a delightful collage rooted in the ancient dance of DNA. Sexual reproduction is not only more common than asexual reproduction, but possibly more fun, imho, though it takes a lot effort. I'm particularly thrilled about the different ways in which members of a species try to beguile each other by showing their potential reproductive fitness. Insects and flowers are the masters of this delightful dance. Underwater creatures are sensous in their courtship. And humans... hmmm, well I'm afraid with humans it's all monkey business. 🐵


Thank you for appreciating the whimsy. The sea and life, origins propagation...they all go together for me. My little critters were fun to make and it is the first time I ever drew anything on the iPad. Didn't know that was possible. Might be good to acquaint myself with more adaptive technology as my body falls apart 😂

Apparently, the extra energy required from sexual reproduction pays off in the long run (survival of the species). I guess there are precious few shortcuts in life.

I appreciate your visit and your, as always, clever comment.


I enjoyed the illustration and the concepts you discussed. I haven't drawn on an iPad because I don't own one, but I understand it's pretty good for drawing. I really enjoy the feel and mystique of watercolor painting, but there's no question that digital technology can be more adaptive and makes some things easier.

Apparently, the extra energy required from sexual reproduction pays off in the long run

I think that without sexual reproduction, we wouldn't have achieved the current sophistication of our nervous systems. Asexual reproduction is too fragile and can quickly get out of hand if the wrong mutations happen. By combining and recombining our DNA, then we probably achieve greater resistance against mutational errors, allowing us to obtain greater degrees of bio-mechanical and psychological complexity. Then again, I also believe in aliens, so who knows? :)
