Amazing Nature Presents: (Class of Stomata)πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸŽ“πŸ§«πŸ₯¬ (En-Es)

Since we started working on the new community we have been creating content to help it grow and of course to learn about the animal and plant kingdom, since the focus of our community is more scientific with respect to the topics of botany and zoology, today we are going to explain one of the little-known structures of plants and they are the famous (stomata) have you heard or read about them? What is the function of these complex structures in plants? Where are they? In this experiment we are going to answer all those questions.πŸ€“πŸ§ͺ

Desde que comenzamos a trabajar en la nueva comunidad hemos estado creando contenido para ayudarla a crecer y por supuesto para aprender sobre el reino animal y vegetal, ya que el enfoque de nuestra comunidad es mas cientifico con respecto a los topicos de botanica y zoologia, hoy vamos a explicar una de las estructuras poco conocidas de las plantas y son los famosos (estomas) ya habias escuchado o leido sobre ellos? la funcion de estas estructuras complejas en las plantas? donde estan?, en este experimento vamos a responder todas esas interrogantes.πŸ”¬πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸŽ“

Working methodologyπŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸŽ“πŸ”¬ /Metodologia de trabajoπŸ€“πŸ§ͺ

We begin by indicating that we made a cross and longitudinal section of a shade plant which has many stomata, answering the question of the location of the stomata on the leaf depends on what type of plants we describe, for example floating plants have the stomata on the adaxial side (above), for example this species that I used has them on the abaxial side (below), is there an explanation for this? Well yes... The stomata need to be as far away from the sun as possible since the leaf "breathes" there, and we need them not to dehydrate, that is one of the strategies! According to the arrangement of the stomata there is a classification in botany: everything varies depending on whether it is a dicotyledon or monocotyledon, in our case it is a complex monocotyledon of the (hexacytic) type.πŸ”¬πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸŽ“
Comenzamos indicando que hicimos un corte tanto transversal como longitudinal de una planta de sombra las cuales tienen muchos estomas, respondiendo la pregunta de la ubicacion de los estomas en la hoja depende de que tipo de plantas describimos por ejemplo las plantas flotantes tienen los estomas en la cara adaxial (arriba), por ejemplo esta especie que yo utilice las tiene en el lado abaxial (abajo), hay una explicacion de esto? pues si... Los estomas necesitan estar lo mas distanciado del sol ya que la hoja por alli "respira", y necesitamos que no se deshidraten esa es una de las estrategias! segun la disposicion de los estomas existe una clasificacion en botanica: todo varia si es una dicotiledonea o monocotiledonea, en nuestro caso es una monocotiledonea compleja de tipo (hexacitico).πŸ€“

What are stomata?πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸŽ“πŸ”¬ /Que son los estomas?πŸ€“πŸ§ͺ

Now let's explain what these structures really are, stomata come from the Greek word: (mouth), the center of the stoma is where the stomatal pore is located and is formed by being surrounded by two protective cells, which have their specialization and are part of the epidermis, there are two types (herbaceous and elliptical) depending on their shape, many botanists refer to the stoma as only the pore, but in reality the stoma encompasses the entire stomatal complex and that includes its adjacent cells! If the cells are the same then they are (neighbors) if they are different (subsidiary); The epidermis has no extracellular space therefore only the stomata are there and then comes the cuticle layer. Interesting that the cells surrounding the stoma have chloroplast allows the capture of the sun which produces the response of opening or closing! The stomata do gas exchange at night.πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸŽ“πŸ”¬πŸ§ͺ
Ahora expliquemos realmente que son estas estructuras, los estomas vienen de la palabra en griego: (boca), el centro del estoma es donde se ubica el poro estomatico y se forma por estar rodeado de dos celulas protectoras, la cuales tienen su especializacion y forman parte de la epidermis, existen de dos tipos (herbaceas y eliptica) dependiendo de su forma, muchos botanicos se refieren al estoma como solo el poro, pero en realidad el estoma abarca todo el complejo estomatico y eso incluye sus celulas adyacentes! si las celulas son iguales entonces son (vecinas) si son diferentes (subsidiarias); la epidermis no tiene espacio extracelulares por tanto solo estan alli los estomas y luego viene la capa de cuticula. Interesante que las celulas que rodean el estoma tengan cloroplasto permite la captacion del sol lo que produce la respuesta de abrir o cerrar! los estomas hacen intercambio gaseoso en la noche.πŸ”¬

Mechanism?πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸŽ“πŸ”¬ /Mecanismo?πŸ€“πŸ§ͺ

Let me tell you that there is a mathematical formula to calculate the number of stomata in a plant, we will not touch on this subject in depth but a plant can contain between 20 to more than 2000 stomata per square millimeter, the (guard) cells are those in charge of the movement of the stoma, when the occlusive cells separate this movement leaves a space and the pore opens, this pore communicates the outside with the inside of the plant, the internal part between the outside and the inside is called (substomatal chamber) this we can no longer see with a conventional microscope.
Dejame decirte que hay una formula matematica para calcular la cantidad de estomas en una planta, no tocaremos este tema a profundidad pero una planta puede contener entre 20 a mas de 2000 estomas por milimetro cuadrado, las celulas (guarda) son las que se encargan del movimiento del estoma, cuando las celulas oclusivas se separan ese movimiento deja un espacio y se abre el poro, este poro comunica el exterior con el interior de la planta, la parte interna entre el exterior y interior se llama (camara subestomatica) esto ya no lo podemos ver con un microscopio convencional.,c%C3%A1mara%20subestom%C3%A1tica%20(Figura%201).

Here in the photo we see each part of the stomatal system, the neighboring cells have a crucial role in the way the stoma opens, there are studies where a stoma is analyzed before and after opening and it is clearly seen how the cells compensate for their size with each other or their (volume), the osmotic movement of water is what allows these movements to take place between cells. In leaves from arid climates we will see few stomata on the abaxial face since the water loss must be very reduced.πŸ€“πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸŽ“
Aqui en la foto vemos cada parte del sistema estomatico, las celulas vecinas tienen un papel crucial en la forma de como se abre el estoma, hay estudios donde se analisa un estomas antes y despues de la apertura y se ve claramente como las celulas compensan su tamano unas con otra o su (volumen), el movimiento osmotico del agua es el que permite que se realicen estos movimientos entre celula. En hojas de climas aridos veremos pocos estomas en la cara abaxial ya que la la perdida de agua debe ser muy reducida.πŸ₯¬πŸ§ͺ

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Good morning dear friends @hive-174680
To be honest, this is the first time I've read about "stomata", which is great to know their location and why, and how important they are for plants
Excellent post, very interesting
I wish you all a great day


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These little mouths in the leaves were always my favourite in the botanic classes! hehe they are important and regulate the flow of water inside the plant!
