Wrong science of movie/series!


Avengers: Infinity War

Thor and the neutron star:


A scene from Avengers Endgame shows Thor allowing light to emanate from a neutron star to provide the heat needed to make a new weapon by holding the light emitting by itself. From standing in the place where the light comes out.

The problem here is that the amount of light that Thor blocks across space or the amount of light / photons applied to it is so great that it can illuminate billions, if not millions, of planets at once.


Think of it this way. One billion (100 billion) of the sun's light comes to the earth, 33% of which is reflected again and 6% of what we see. What will happen to a person if all the light falling on the whole world falls on him at the same time !? Multiply it by a few crores. This amount of heat is bound to melt any matter in the universe, even into plasma, no matter how special the material is (according to the Marvel Universe).If you take Marvel's original acknowledgment as Thor God as electricity as well as heat resistance then a problem remains.

The gravity of the neutron star:

The neutron star is small but the mass is like a huge star, the density is extra high. Being smaller, it can come much closer to anything than other stars. What can it really be !?


As close as Thor was to the neutron star, gravity was so great that it was impossible for him to stand there.
Now, even if Thor says gravity is resistant (how on earth is it?) Then there is another problem, according to Inverse Square Law, the force of gravity decreases so fast even in the case of objects at close distances. The gravitational force of each neutron star on the back of Thor's head and the gravitational force towards the front of the head are sky-deep.So much so that the head would tear apart. Not just the head, but the whole body. At least Thor can't be resistant. As we have seen before, his body was cut with a weapon. Even Loki stabbed a little "knife" in the stomach (The Avengers 2012).

At the end, I like to say that look below and understand how light and gravity decrease with distance at the disproportionate rate of square (basically the total force / light remains the same, the field increases with the distance).

images (31).jpeg
Image source: Google

Bonus fact: Not a single piece of paper can be placed on the surface of a neutron star (!) For the difference in the gravitational ball for a small distance between its sides.

Thank you for reading😊

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