¡Did you know that the Halo Solar phenomenon exists!

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Halo Solar phenomenon photo taken by @ newton666, using a Samsung J4 cell phone in HD mode, date: Monday 09/03/20 at 1:15 pm / Maracaibo / Zulia.


This time I share content in the field of physics and meteorology in reference to the Halo Solar phenomenon, since I managed to take a picture of this phenomenon on Monday 09/03/20 at 1:15 pm , in the city of Maracaibo, Zulia state, where my attention was drawn to the fact that it was very noticeable not as an eclipse, but rather the circle around it, which is why it is also part of another chapter of my photographic documentation work. Which seems appropriate to me as a disclosure within the field of science or science, since it is a meteorological and optical phenomenon that has some very unique characteristics, having knowledge that the Sun is the celestial body of the universe with an energy source very powerful and which in turn emits electromagnetic and light waves, where a wave is a disturbance that propagates through space / time with transport of energy and momentum, but without net transport of matter.

Halo Solar

The reader-friendly Solar Halo is a disk-shaped optical effect around the Sun, which has also been evidenced on the moon, where this phenomenon has an iridescent ring on its outer circumference, this is produced as follows by the refraction of ice crystals that are suspended in the Troposphere. Because I tell you that this phenomenon makes it unique is because temperate zones when the atmospheric air has light clouds crystallized by the cold, it has been shown on certain occasions that almost always cirrus type clouds have additional characteristics where the following is observed; The halo ring is usually iridescent with the color red on the inner side of the ring and green, also light blue on the outside, looking as if it were some kind of a ring-shaped rainbow.

Halo are red circles that have red inside, which appears around the sun at certain times of the year, their inner edge is generally quite well defined, while its outer edge is both vaguer and less red. The visual half angle of the smallest of these circles is 22 ° to 23 °, and the visual half angle of the largest is close to 46 °; It rarely happens that 23 ° and 46 ° can be seen at the same time. Information consulted in Elements of experimental physics and meteorology By M. Pouillet, 1841.

As I said earlier, this phenomenon, which is caused by reflection and refraction in small ice crystals, which make up high cirrus clouds, also because almost all meteorological phenomena occur in the troposphere, since it is evidenced in this layer happen the climatic changes; Almost all types of cloud are housed in this area, which is why it makes it unique.

Later Rutherford provided more information about these particles, which differed significantly in their mass (the particles of α were much greater in relation to the mass of β. As described in the following section on the atomic model proposed by Rutherford, in later Investigating the bombardment of α particle in the gold foil, that scientist discovered that both particles (α and β) combine with each other to form helium atoms, and that α particles were the nuclei of those atoms ( small central space in which practically all the mass of the atom met). Information consulted in Chemistry i.

Containing a particle of Helium, to have more knowledge within this content of the phenomenon of the solar halo, it is a chemical element of atomic number 2, symbol He and standard atomic weight of 4.0026, which this element belongs to group 18, of the periodic table of the elements, since having the complete energy level presents the properties of a noble gas, as it has its own characteristic as an element due to its inert being, since it does not react, also because it is a colorless monoatomic gas and odorless, that is also due to its characteristics for having a very low boiling point in reference to the rest of all the chemical elements, not only that also to be liquefied it is necessary to be subjected to very high pressures, which makes this chemical element unique, which has the property that it cannot be frozen.


[1] - Elements of experimental physics and meteorology By M. Pouillet, 1841.

[2] - Dictionary of Astronomy by Ian Ridpath, 1999.

[3] - Solar System by Sol 90 Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc, 2014.

[4] - Chemistry i.

