The laws of nature - How to change your life forever!


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Just as in a sport, life has certain rules that we live by. Each sport has a specific set of rules that we have to follow and if we don't we are disqualified or penalized. In life, it works the same.  

Most of us know the rules of the sport we play and love by heart. We know exactly when mistakes are made, and we know the penalties received for certain mistakes.  Life is however not a sport, and many of us have no idea that there are certain rules in life that we actually need to follow.  

We are all part of the same game. These rules for life, are universal and there is nothing that any of us can do to change these rules. The rules are called the laws of nature.  

These laws are not bound to any religion but they are sacred, and we have to follow these rules to live successfully.  These laws influence our lives on a daily basis, and we are sometimes not even aware of them.  

Over the next week, I will be writing about the laws of nature, and how it affects our lives.  This is a very interesting topic to discuss and if you are interested it might be a good thing to follow as each law will be described in detail.    

The universal laws are:


  • The Law of Mentalism
  • The Law of Correspondence 
  • The Law of Vibration  
  • The Law of Polarity  
  • The Law of Rhythm 
  • The Law of Cause and effect 
  • The Law of Gender 

The laws of nature can change the way you think about your life, and it can only make your life better. We all complain about the world and how screwed up it is, but what do we actually do about it?  

If we live by certain rules and change the way we think about things, the whole world might just turn into a much better place. 

Nothing in life is going to make you change, you have to make the change yourself.   
