On using your intelligence level to be best in schools at all levels: The case of using your cognitions!



The best thing you can do in schools, is to be the best. And you should be friend of the teachers, and loving the lectures. You should use your cognitions and emotions to be the best picture of yourself, and the same in true in business life!

Take the intelligence tests when you are ready, and when you can show yourself from the best side. Many things in societies are on the average level, also in the TV and on the radio, and hence you should be better to think and feel than everybody else. We should be alone doing all things, and the best thing in schools and in business life is to be the best. And that is in accordance with your quick and strong thoughts given in just some seconds. Training is doing you better and stronger, and you are rapid in thinking. Doing things good is the best thing you can do, also in using your intelligence level on cognitions and on emotions. And you cannot use too much of the primary school, but you should use your upper secondary schools, and also the university where you have gone.

What is the problem if the pupils and the students cannot give their best? They are when sick in their body, or they are not motivated to give their best. But schools at all levels at the highest level, for instance Harvard, Yale, MIT, Stanford, Oxford and Cambridge are about being best and strongest and giving the best and most reflected answers on the questions and on the cases. So, you should study and not being mentally ill, but you are using your knowledges and talents at it best levels, when you make the performances as good as it is possible.

Any book is a suggestion about what to know, and how to think within an area. Anything should not be at it worst level, but at the best level. And we should make results everywhere in business life, and this is independent of our age and what we are doing. And you should be care about what you do, and which choices you are taken, because many people are just following the crowds, and they are giving copies of each other. Is that a sensible way of doing? No, the best thing is to think yourself, and doing it better than the teachers, and the history to the school in question. And you are framed with doing it best in schools at all levels, otherwise you are just a shadow and a ghost. But of any thing that is possible to do in life of all possible choices with freedom and precision, you should make the best answers in the different situations. And sometimes there are fixed answers, and sometimes you should be creative in the diversity that operates several places.

So, can you expect the best results of anybody being studying in schools, and being in business life? You cannot, because the cognitions, emotions, abilities and knowledges are different from person to person, and the personality is different. What person you are are due to your own thoughts, and what you are doing with your environments. The environments are either filled with same answers, or you are giving flexibility and dynamic ways of being to solve the problems. Any organization reflects the highest intelligence level being there, and we should always follow the procedures, the thinking, the systems, the philosophy, the policy, and we are also free to make excellent ways of doing different things. You meet every kinds of people everywhere, both inside and outside schools and organizations. But the best thing we can do is to think, and the deepest level in human nature is about asking questions, and not have all the answers. And as human, we are doing orientations in nature. And human nature is about much, but it is knowledges, social issues, and culture and entertainment! Good luck with your life, and make it alone and together with people!

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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