On finding the prime numbers in nature, and how the properties are for prime numbers!



Prime numbers are all natural numbers bigger than or just like 2, and there the prime numbers ONLY can be divided by 1 and itself to get an integer number as the result!

The first ten prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23 og 29. All prime numbers without 2 are odd numbers. The numbers we find in nature are of different kinds, and some numbers are just numbers, and some have distinct properties. We can use the courses in Mathematics to understand what is going on and why! And much consciousness and calculations in Mathematics are really funny and interesting, and we get known with many people and develop our social relations.

There are proofs for that we can find an infinitely numbers of prime numbers, and we find these things already in the textbook from Evklid called for Elementa. We must go through many things with numbers and reasoning by thinking in the books that were written before. And we can find much reasoning and what is going on and why in the history of Mathematics, and the philosophy of numbers. Numbers either have inner and outer properties of the way of being, or they are just normal as all other numbers, and that is the way we are examining the numbers today.

Which choices we make in life, and what we are suitable for, we decide ourselves in life. We can do whatever is possible, but it is sensible to listen to authority and find the solutions we are told to. At the same time we must think ourselves, and that is the most fundamental issue that we learn at our colleges and at our universities in the world. But we should wish to be wise and rich in life, and whether we are doing something or nothing, we are responsible for our own lives, and we should follow the inner voices that we have in human nature from time to time.

We can find the small prime numbers in nature, and there is always an infinity of numbers in the human nature and in nature. The largest known prime number per January 2019 is 282589933–1, a number with 24 862 048 digits. As most of the largest and known prime numbers, this is a Mersenne-prime number (after Marin Mersenne). It is extremely time consuming to decide whether large numbers are prime numbers, and in our days, we are using thousands of computers that are linked to the Internet, and these computers are doing a part of the necessary calculations.

The idea of thinking in Mathematics begins with some speculations, and guessing about how anything can be explained. And after a while, we need many numbers to think, and we must do this in the courses in the colleges and in the universities. The most desired property of any individual is being able to think, and hence we can read thousands of books about different issues, but the reasoning you have to do yourself! Mathematics is about learning numbers and play with the numbers. And any person you can know, is not greater than what we find in the literature of him or her. Try to be a friend of the earth, and try to be sensible and constructive, and there is also stupid behavior on the earth, but we must take the responsibility for our own lives. And life is what you perceive it to be, and not what all other people are telling you. But listen and open your eyes and ears for receiving messages of different kinds.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway

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