Various benefits for children playing kites



Hello everyone, good morning..

In Aceh, when welcoming the month of Ramadan, all school activities are closed. Both from Kindergarten (TK), Elementary School (SD), Junior High School (SMP), High School (SMA) and even lectures on many campuses are the same. It's just that those who are actively studying are students who are taking the final exam (thesis trial).

Back to the discussion, this post is about elementary school to junior high school children who fill their days in the fasting month, namely worship and of course cannot be separated from the word play or play, playing is a child's world that cannot be separated.



Today I found them playing kites in the afternoon before sunset (to break their fast). They seemed very happy with this one game. What they need is a field or field or it can be a large place where no trees grow. Then a kite made of bamboo that has been trimmed in such a way, as desired to make a kite. After the fly foundation is formed, a special kite paper such as oil paper will be attached. Then what is needed next is a kite string. Usually this rope is needed very long up to tens of meters to hundreds of meters. And finally, what is needed to raise or fly a kite is wind. The wind needed here of course must be strong because raising the kite with a slight gust of wind cannot fly the kite up to the sky.



If some of the ingredients are complete, the children will feel very happy. The holiday filled with these activities feels very complete. The fatigue they get will disappear with the happiness they get.






The benefits of the kite game that can be obtained for children are:

  1. Maintaining Health because there will be sports by jogging and pulling kite strings with strong power. The children will move here and there. Of course, it will make the child's growth and development very good and the child looks cheerful.

  2. Practice Patience. When raising a kite, of course, patience is needed, because sometimes raising a kite is very easy and sometimes it is very difficult because there are several factors that the child suddenly gets. If there is a problem that requires repeated efforts, this is where the child's persistence is needed. Without realizing the child's patience practice will be formed slowly. In the end, the child will be able to raise the kite skillfully.

  3. Forming Children's Social Soul. This is where the social soul of children will be formed because they will help each other. When kite season arrives, it's not just a child playing this game. There can be as few as 6 people up to tens of children gathered in the field. Here children can exchange opinions and will form cohesiveness between them.

  4. Creating creativity. There are children who are formed by natural creativity. For example, since childhood, he has had a basic ability to paint, his imagination has appeared. There are also those formed to build or make something. Even if it's only self-taught to see examples from others. It's the same with kites, among children playing kites there must be a child who can make a kite from zero to form a complete kite. There are also children who buy ready-made kites. Just need a thread and a thread holder to fly a kite.

The kite game is a traditional Indonesian game. So here it is not only children who play it, teenagers and even parents also play kites. If in the village where I live there is a kite competition, there are very many who take part and of course the audience is also very busy.

All of the pictures I captured were using a Canon EOS M50 Mirrorless Camera and the addition of a 75mm-300mm Ultrasonic Telephoto lens.

Camera ModelCamera Canon EOS M50
LensTele 75-300mm
CategoryBlack & White
SettingManual Focus
ProcessedAdobe Photoshop CC 2022
LocationAceh - Indonesia
Oringinal Picture@mohd.iqbal

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Warm Regards, @mohd.iqbal


Para los niños poder usar un juguete y hacerlo volar les abre un mundo nuevo de oportunidades, les permite pensar las cosas diferente y aun mas si pueden crear sus propios cometas. Personalmente volé muy pocos cuando era niño pero siempre disfrute cada oportunidad.


si, así es.. Yo también me siento como tú cuando eras pequeño. No puedo esperar para volarlo hacia el cielo. me llevó mucho tiempo volarlo. hasta que tuve que ser ayudado por mi hermano. Esta actividad hace que los niños sean más independientes. 😄😄😄
